The former Lebanese president explains to Al-Akhbar his advocacy of a policy of “positive neutrality” which puts him at odds with his March 14 allies.
Former president Amin Gemayel continues to take issue with his allies in the March 14 coalition, as he has been doing for months, over their approach to developments in Syria.
When they went into the 2005 and 2009 elections together, he shared the slogans they raised at the time-- about the international probe into political assassinations, and later the international tribunal, and about Hezbollah’s weapons. These were Lebanese issues.
But unlike his partners – former premier Saad Hariri, Lebanese Forces (LF) leader Samir Geagea, and also Progressive Socialist Party (PSP) chief Walid Jumblatt – he opposes bringing a foreign issue, which does not concern Lebanon, into the heart of a contest which the Lebanese are running themselves, and in which they do not want outsiders to interfere: the 2013 polls...