"And I have found both freedom and safety in my madness, the freedom of loneliness and the safety from being understood, for those who understand us enslave something in us. But let me not be too proud of my safety. Even a Thief in a jail is safe from another thief. "

Khalil Gibran (How I Became a Madman)

Lübnan Marunîleri / Yasin Atlıoğlu


Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Syrian refugees in Lebanon camp reliant on 'hell water' that reduces metal to rust- The Guardian

Water at Shatila refugee camp in Beirut’s southern suburbs is now so salty and ridden with chemicals that metal cutlery rusts after less than half an hour’s exposure to the brine.
“Imagine having water so bad that you can’t have metal cutlery? It’s hell water really,” says Ahmed, a resident at the camp.
Gesturing at the salty, foul-smelling liquid oozing from a nearby tap, his friend Moussa Deeb, an electrician originally from Damascus, adds: “Have you ever woken up and tried washing your face with sea water?”