"And I have found both freedom and safety in my madness, the freedom of loneliness and the safety from being understood, for those who understand us enslave something in us. But let me not be too proud of my safety. Even a Thief in a jail is safe from another thief. "
Khalil Gibran (How I Became a Madman)
Khalil Gibran (How I Became a Madman)
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Türkiye-Suriye Sınır Birlikleri Değişim Tatbikatı- TSK Genelkurmay Başkanlığı

Turkish army unhappy over drill with Syria The Jerusalem Post
Turkey, Syria conduct military exercise The Middle East Times
Israel concerned by Turkish-Syrian military drill WashingtonTV
Friday, April 24, 2009
Lieberman: Wishing for World War III?- Palestine Think Tank
Israel's FM says Iran is obstacle to regional peace WashingtonTV
Syria reaches out to 'friend' Iraq Asia Times Online
Pipeline repairs for Iraq United Press International
Syria's PM arrives in Baghdad Xinhua
Syria: Arab world supports Ahmadinejad's words PRESS TV
Can the al-Asad Regime Make Peace with Israel? Washington Institute for Near East Policy
Difficult Issues Remain in Lebanon-Syria Relations World Politics Review
China, Syria pledge closer parliamentary ties Xinhua
Iraq, Syria agree on plan to repair Kirkuk-Banias oil line Oil & Gas Journal
Obama Among the Dictators Wall Street Journal
Netanyahu seeking to shake things up Jewish Community Voice
Foreign Money Seeks to Buy Lebanese Votes The New York Times
Lebanon for Sale The Weekly Standard
Eyeing the day after Al-Ahram Weekly
SI Man Gets Prison Term for Aid to Hezbollah TV The New York Times
NY man sentenced to 5 years for aiding Hezbollah Reuters
Lebanon general 'was Israeli spy' BBC News
Lebanon beyond sectarianism The Guardian
Syria reaches out to 'friend' Iraq Asia Times Online
Pipeline repairs for Iraq United Press International
Syria's PM arrives in Baghdad Xinhua
Syria: Arab world supports Ahmadinejad's words PRESS TV
Can the al-Asad Regime Make Peace with Israel? Washington Institute for Near East Policy
Difficult Issues Remain in Lebanon-Syria Relations World Politics Review
China, Syria pledge closer parliamentary ties Xinhua
Iraq, Syria agree on plan to repair Kirkuk-Banias oil line Oil & Gas Journal
Obama Among the Dictators Wall Street Journal
Netanyahu seeking to shake things up Jewish Community Voice
Foreign Money Seeks to Buy Lebanese Votes The New York Times
Lebanon for Sale The Weekly Standard
Eyeing the day after Al-Ahram Weekly
SI Man Gets Prison Term for Aid to Hezbollah TV The New York Times
NY man sentenced to 5 years for aiding Hezbollah Reuters
Lebanon general 'was Israeli spy' BBC News
Lebanon beyond sectarianism The Guardian
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Türkiye’nin Lübnan Politikası- Yasin Atlıoğlu

Lübnan Devlet Başkanı Michel Süleyman 21–22 Nisan’da Türkiye’ye tarihi bir ziyaret gerçekleştirdi. Süleyman’ın ziyareti, Türkiye’nin üçüncü Cumhurbaşkanı Celal Bayar’ın 1955’de Lübnan’ı ziyaretinden sonra, Devlet Başkanı düzeyinde gerçekleştirilen ilk ikili resmi ziyaret olmasından dolayı tarihi bir önem arz ediyor. Ziyaret, tarihi öneminin yanı sıra özelde Lübnan’da genelde ise Orta Doğu’daki güç dönüşümleri ve yeni oluşan güç dengeleri çerçevesinde düşünüldüğünde Türkiye için daha da önemli hale gelmektedir. Lübnan, sahip olduğu jeopolitik konumdan dolayı, Doğu Akdeniz’in (ve Kıbrıs’ın) güvenliği ve Orta Doğu’nun istikrarı açısından Türkiye’nin yaşamsal çıkar alanı içinde yer almaktadır. Bu makalede Michel Süleyman'ın Türkiye ziyareti vesilesiyle Türkiye’nin Lübnan’a yönelik politikasının yöntem, kapsam ve amaçlarının nasıl olması gerektiğini ele almaya çalışacağız.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Analysis: Why Mitchell is bypassing Damascus (Andrew J. Tabler- The Jerusalem Post)
Syria seen keen on new peace talks with Israel Reuters
Exiled Hamas leader meets British MPs Reuters UK
Hamas leader Mashal holds talks with British MPs Ma'an News Agency
Syria: How an American scholar made friends and influenced a leader The Los Angeles Times
Egyptian Security Forces Scour The Sinai For Hezbollah Agents Voice of America
Look Who's Defending Hezbollah! Asharq Alawsat
Cairo also seeks to curtail Iran's bid for regional powerbroker The Daily Star
Democratic Hope in Lebanon The Wall Street Journal
Syria will win Lebanon's elections The Daily Star
The days of serial blood murders Ha'aretz
With Isolation Over, Syria Is Happy to Talk The New York Times
Syria's US ambassador: Lieberman better than Livni Ynetnews
The Syrian-Lebanese Relation: No Effective Change Yet Dar Al-Hayat
Syria to Host Conference on Lebanese-Syrian Ties Naharnet
Syrian-Lebanese ties focus of 5-day summit The Middle East Times
Where getting your hair done requires a political statement The National
From Syria, a call for 'Undivided India' Indian Express
Exiled Hamas leader meets British MPs Reuters UK
Hamas leader Mashal holds talks with British MPs Ma'an News Agency
Syria: How an American scholar made friends and influenced a leader The Los Angeles Times
Egyptian Security Forces Scour The Sinai For Hezbollah Agents Voice of America
Look Who's Defending Hezbollah! Asharq Alawsat
Cairo also seeks to curtail Iran's bid for regional powerbroker The Daily Star
Democratic Hope in Lebanon The Wall Street Journal
Syria will win Lebanon's elections The Daily Star
The days of serial blood murders Ha'aretz
With Isolation Over, Syria Is Happy to Talk The New York Times
Syria's US ambassador: Lieberman better than Livni Ynetnews
The Syrian-Lebanese Relation: No Effective Change Yet Dar Al-Hayat
Syria to Host Conference on Lebanese-Syrian Ties Naharnet
Syrian-Lebanese ties focus of 5-day summit The Middle East Times
Where getting your hair done requires a political statement The National
From Syria, a call for 'Undivided India' Indian Express
Wednesday, April 08, 2009
Syria Praises Obama's Mideast Approach- CBS News
Obama begins long walk to peace The Observer
Syrian Plotted to Kill Obama Arutz Sheva
Syria ready for Israel talks on Golan pullout AFP
'Golan border only plausible defense for Israel' The Jerusalem Post
The Obama doctrine University of Virginia The Cavalier Daily
ANALYSIS-Arab detente raises hopes for smooth Lebanon vote Reuters
Israel successfully tests “Arrow” Missiles International Middle East Media Center
Obama will benefit from engaging Syria Gulf News
Assad wants US role in Arab-Israeli peace talks The Jerusalem Post
Turkey, Syria to sign agreement Hürriyet
Not Everyone’s Turkish Delight Syria Today
A clear message from Obama Ha'aretz
Syria: 'Barack Obama Has Changed Everything' ABC News
Syrian Plotted to Kill Obama Arutz Sheva
Syria ready for Israel talks on Golan pullout AFP
'Golan border only plausible defense for Israel' The Jerusalem Post
The Obama doctrine University of Virginia The Cavalier Daily
ANALYSIS-Arab detente raises hopes for smooth Lebanon vote Reuters
Israel successfully tests “Arrow” Missiles International Middle East Media Center
Obama will benefit from engaging Syria Gulf News
Assad wants US role in Arab-Israeli peace talks The Jerusalem Post
Turkey, Syria to sign agreement Hürriyet
Not Everyone’s Turkish Delight Syria Today
A clear message from Obama Ha'aretz
Syria: 'Barack Obama Has Changed Everything' ABC News
Wednesday, April 01, 2009
Arap Birliği’nin 21. Zirve Toplantısı- Yasin Atlıoğlu

Arap Birliği’nin 21. Zirve Toplantısı, 30 Mart’ta Katar’ın başkenti Doha’da gerçekleşti. Mısır, Cezayir, Irak, Fas ve Umman devlet başkanlarının katılmadığı zirvede ana gündem maddelerini, Uluslararası Ceza Mahkemesi (UCM)’nin Sudan Devlet Başkanı Ömer Hasan El Beşir hakkında aldığı tutuklama kararı, Filistin Sorunu ve İran’ın nükleer programı oluşturuyordu. Doha’daki Arap Birliği Zirvesi’ne damgasını vuran iki kişi ise Sudan Devlet Başkanı Ömer Hasan El Beşir ve Libya Devlet Başkanı Muammer Kaddafi oldu.
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