"And I have found both freedom and safety in my madness, the freedom of loneliness and the safety from being understood, for those who understand us enslave something in us. But let me not be too proud of my safety. Even a Thief in a jail is safe from another thief. "

Khalil Gibran (How I Became a Madman)

Lübnan Marunîleri / Yasin Atlıoğlu


Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Chavez'den Şam'a açık destek

Kaynak: BBC Turkce
Lübnan'a yönelik saldırılar sırasında İsrail ve Amerikan yönetimince Hizbullah'a destek vermekle suçlanan Suriye yönetimi bugün Venezuela lideri Hugo Chavez'i ağırladı.

Özellikle Amerika Birleşik Devletleri'nin tecridine hedef olan Suriye'nin lideri Beşar Esad, Latin Amerikalı konuğuna üst düzey ilgi gösterirken, her iki liderin açıklamalarındaki ortak hedef Washington yönetimi oldu.

Venezuela lideri Şam'a iner inmez ''Aynı siyasi vizyonu paylaşıyoruz ve Amerika'nın emperyalist saldırganlığına karşı birlikte direneceğiz'' dedi.

Suriye Devlet Başkanı Beşar Esad da Venezuela liderine Orta Doğu ülkelerine yönelik desteği nedeniyle teşekkür etti ve ''Chavez'e işgal altında yaşayan halklara yönelik samimi duyguları nedeniyle takdirlerini'' sundu.

Amerika Birleşik Devletleri ve İsrail'le ilişkileri giderek gerginleşen Venezuela lideri, son aylarda İran ve Suriye'nin de aralarında bulunduğu ülkelerle yakın işbirliği içinde.

Venezuela lideri, Lübnan'a yönelik saldırıları nedeniyle İsrail'i açık bir şekilde hedef almaktan kaçınmamıştı.

Chavez'in operasyonu İkinci Dünya Savaşı sırasında yaşanan Yahudi soykırımına benzetmesi İsrail'de öfkeye neden olmuş, her iki taraf karşılıklı olarak büyükelçilerini geri çağırmışlardı.
Amerikan yönetimi, diplomatik gerilim içinde olduğu Chavez'in Orta Doğu'ya yönelik ilgisine yönelik herhangi bir değerlendirme yapmazken, gazetecilerin sorularına hedef olan Amerikan Dışişleri Bakanlığı Sözcüsü Tom Casey, Venezuela liderinin Şam'a; Hizbullah'a silah sevkinin önlenmesi konusunda uluslararası yükümlüklerini anımsatması gerektiğini söylemekle yetindi.
Ziyaret sırasında Şam ve Caracas arasında Amerikan saldırganlığına karşı çıkan bir belgeyle, enerji işbirliği anlaşması imzalanması bekleniyor.

BBC'nin Şam'daki muhabiri Michael Voss, Chavez'in ziyaretin önemli bir boyutunun da, Venezuela'nın BM Güvenlik Konseyi'nde Latin Amerika kontenjanından üyelik elde etme arayışı olduğunu söylüyor.

Chavez bu kapsamda, yoğun bir diplomatik kampanya yürütüyor. Washington yönetimi ise, Venezuela'nın güvenlik konseyinde geçici de olsa üyelik almasını engelleyebilmeyi umuyor.

Chavez, Şam'da birlik mesajı verdi- Zaman

Arab Imperialism: The Tragedy of the Middle East (Efraim Karsh- The Begin-Sadat Center of Strategic Studies)

Friday, August 25, 2006

President Bashar al-Assad Gives an interview to Dubai Satellite TV. Channel

President Bashar al-Assad gave a televised interview to Egyptian well-known journalist , Hamdi Qindeel , broadcast on Wednesday night.On a question whether the victory of the Lebanese resistance can be considered a historic juncture, President al-Assad said that every new thing happens to any people is considered historic but the important thing where such a historic juncture would lead us. The invasion of Iraq is a historic juncture with backward direction , destruction and all the negative meanings .
Of course what happened in Lebanon is historic juncture , and except for some various opinions in the Arab arena , the peoples have looked to what happened in Lebanon as a historic juncture with positive and right direction and falls generally in the interest of Arab peoples.The president went on to say that the Arab peoples have that spontaneous feeling which has been gained through experiences of the past decades that even precedes that of the politicians and should be taken into consideration . Ofcourse what happened is historic and would be completed by the investment of its results.
On Syria's vision of the New Middle East and whether it is attainable , the president said that reality imposes what kind of a Middle East , and there are millions of peoples in this reality in the Arab region and there are more than one billion in the Islamic region . The New Middle East will be as its sons want it and this will be determined by the realities and not by the Syrian view point.
On what the foreigners want from the New Middle East, the president said that they want a Middle East to be a world that complys without hesitation with what they want such as a computer which you give data and in turn ,it gives you results , that what they want.On whether this Middle East would be subjugated to the US. or to Israeli hegemony, the president said that there is a reciprocal relationship , it was clear that there was a large American role in the war as far as the decision of the war and the procrastination with regard to the cease-fire. Such a role serves the issue of the New Middle East , but the steadfastness of the resistance foiled this approach , and the reaction of the Arab street foiled this approach too , and will foil it in the future.On who are the main players in the New Middle East, the president said that the Arabs should be the main concern , and ofcourse Israel is a main player through aggression and the United States is also a main player since it is a super power and through its unlimited support to Israel . As for Iran , it is a country that has existed in the region from early history , but the Arabs who are absent from the political arena whether in the decision making or in shaping the future of the region.On the concerns of some people regarding Iran that occupies UAE islands and regarding her role in Iraq, the president said that one should ask the Arab countries about what they are afraid of , but if Iran plays a pivotal role it will fall in the interest of the region .The Arabs have no interest in being weak nations and if the strong countries play just and positive role this would serve stability in the region .As for the Iranian role in Iraq , you should ask the Iraqis , because Iran can not play a role in Iraq without the Iraqis.The president added that if Iran is feared because of her nuclear project, Iran says that it wants the nuclear project for peaceful means , a right guaranteed by international law. There is nothing to fear from Iran.On the growing Iranian influence which would consequently lead to the growing of the religious current that would lead to the diminishing of the pan-Arabism that has flourished for decades , the president said that Syria is a secular country and has no problem in cooperating with Iran and the Iranians have no problem in dealing with a pan-Arab state. If one looks to what is happening in Iraq , he will see that the western powers which are propagating secularism , are working to consolidate the non-religious radical current in the Arab world.
On the fear of rulers from the growing religious current in their countries, the president said that if the religious current is not radical, it would be a good thing because religion is moralities , amity and cooperation and has everything we talk about in our political discourse.
Regarding to whom the victory of the resistance belongs , the president said that the victory is undoubtedly a victory for Lebanon and those who fought are Lebanese people and the Arab countries have the right to rejoice and this victory should be invested in favour of the peace process.
Regarding why Lebanon bore the burden of war alone, the president said that if there was an Arab unanimity in supporting Lebanon during the war the situation would have been different and the Lebanon's burden would be largely eased. Undoubtedly , the United States and Israel went too far in their aggression on Lebanon because of the Arab weakness.President Assad noted the aggression was planned in advance and this was in light of information leaked by investigations with the network of the Lebanese agents in Israel's interests either that were revealed before the war or during the war .
This is a screaming evidence and tangible proof that the war was planned and the targets were present; then there was talks and articles that have appeared in most of the American and British papers talking about this point and saying that the planning has really begun in 2004, and I think the resistance in Lebanon was prepared for something but it was not quite clear until the subject of agents has fully divulged it.
The president said that his speech at the journalists union conference was directed to the Syrian people where we are in a very big turning point a historical juncture and in this case I can't talk in a diplomatic way and in generals, the better way is not to do that but now I want to give facts to the people and every Syrian must know who is conspiring against us and who does not.
Regarding the resistance, the president said I don't want to say what it has done was for the Arabs but rather there was an Arab sympathy and Arab popular support even The president said I don't talk about the resistance as an interior Lebanese subject but rather as an issue concerning every Arab citizen and you see now Hizbollah flags everywhere.
President Assad confirmed that Hizbollah was not a Syrian or Iranian creation, asserting that it is a Lebanese party and it deals with the subject in a Lebanese way but we are treating the subject from a Syrian point of view that might be different and this is normal and this is a good thing. About the possibility of positively improving relations between Syria and the Lebanese majority now after this tension, the president said this group did not save an opportunity to strike Syria in a direct way via the investigation into Hariri killing or in other way and these issues have become exposed yet we closed and eye and said we want a good relation with Lebanon and what we care about is Lebanon, the relationship is built between two countries and not two governments definitely.
President Assad continued that there is no problem and as you said the spontaneous reception of the Syrian people to the Lebanese people is a proof that the Syrian people wants good ties with Lebanon .
The President added, “The problem is not with us … we didn’t link anything to Hariri investigation… They link the issue to the investigation… thus, until investigation is over, frankly there will be no good relations.”
On Shebaa Farms, President Assad said, “in one of my speeches I said that Shebaa Farms is Lebanese, but what are the borders of Shebaa? Is there no demarcation? How could we demarcate? They are proposing now to demarcate on the map in the service of Israel… there is no demarcation between two states on the map… demarcation should be done on land through specific coordinates. The issue of borders is a matter between two countries and this was done with Jordan when we demarcated the borders two years ago.”
The President added that the priority is now to liberate Shebaa Farms. The issue of demarcation is an Israeli proposal to drop justification of resistance. “There is no demarcation for Shebaa Farms before the Israeli troops withdrawal, this is undisputable for us.” On reports saying that 4 thousand troops from UNIFIL will be deployed along the Syrian-Lebanese borders, the President said that this means creating a hostile situation between Syria and Lebanon, besides, this cancels the sovereignty of Lebanon.
“There is no state in the world that accepts to deploy international troops along its borders unless in case it was at war with another country as is the case in Golan and South Lebanon,” President Assad added.
The president expressed hope that the situation in Lebanon will not turn into a civil war during the coming weeks and months, underling that "Syria paid an expensive price in order to stop the civil war in the past …." we wish that will not happen and this will depend on some political leaderships which still take the orders from outside … any country can't be stable as long as the orders are coming from outside the borders ,there is no factor important than this one , regardless of that, I don’t see any indications of a civil war or division ."
Asked whether Syria will face the Israeli occupation by utilizing the Lebanese resistance experience, President al-Assad said that " we know that there is semi siege imposed on Syria, particularly in the nineteenth, and in return there is a big back up for Israel by the US, so we that means we have changed the army 's task and we are continuously seeking for preparations, at least in the first phase to defend our territories, because Israel is an expansionist state, and if peace will not be achieved, and peace process will not be moved, the war is the natural future in the region and Syria is the first party concerned with the subject. "
The resistance process is a public process and not a state resolution, and people may overtake their government or countries and do this matter, so it moves the peace process, as we hear now in our region and in the West, and if it revives the peace, perhaps it will go ahead towards negotiations, "The President added .
The President added that the victory of Hizbullah was sufficient to teach Israel the lesson and as I said before when the army engages in the battles it must fight to achieve a goal and when things are not completed towards achieving this goal it must not be an issue of passion.
Regarding liberation of the Golan, the President said that this matter is in our hands and up to our determination, but for us as a country it takes a political and military direction, and as I said concerning the subject of resistance; it is a public resolution and no country can say yes we will go towards the resistance …. The people move to resist apart from their country when they decide .
On the question of freedoms value , the President said we have made steps but they are firm ones as well as we have clarity regarding the bases we are following in this process asserting, we don’t' want freedoms that are exploited from the outside and this exists.
Regarding the freedoms in the homeland framework, we as a state have to identify the subject as not to enter into the framework of chaos nor that of dependency then in framework of cheating with our interior situation. " loyalty for the country is by not accepting foreign interferences from or by any embassy and I have always been clear on the subject or via any foreign government directly interfering with us," the president said.
President Assad noted that we passed through many circumstances mainly in the recent year that posed as the most difficult a state might pass by, noting that had not we had the national unity, we would not have been capable of surpassing these circumstances.
Asked about the party law, President Assad said it was a very significant one and it did not stop, but the circumstances must allow us to have room as to accomplish it.
Regarding the issue of peace and war between Syria and Israel and Qatar's role in this respect, the President said that " what we care about is the role of Qatar at the UN Security Council and its international relations …. These relations serve in putting the Arab vision upon the foreign officials who mostly adopt the extremely US or the Israeli proposal . The role of Qatar here is very important through the knowledge of the Syrian viewpoint then covey it to other countries."
Asked if there is any specific suggestion by the Emir of Qatar in this context, the President replied " no …according to Syria there is nothing particular that differs from what presented at Madrid Conference …..We don’t have any additional proposals, Madrid Conference as bases was sufficient and we only can continue on them."
In a commentary on the President al-Assad latest speech as a peace speech, the President said " It is a conditional peace with clear bases, but it is the speech of last opportunities…when I talked about generations, this mean that these doors which are opened now are narrowing, and by time we will not see these doors and the other rejecting part for peace which is' Israel ' has to exploit the subject."
Asked how a new initiative of peace moves in light of the new data and how Syria sees this moving, the President said " any proposal cant work without returning to the concerning parties, this is what I emphasized and wish Arab brothers will consult us on this subject ."
The President said that Syria has always been in the heart of storm and it encountered internal and external conspiracies, adding that the people have protected Syria as a homeland.
“We didn’t depend on any foreign party, we are talking now about stability. We want stability, we live between the war of Iraq and the internal divisions or disputes in Lebanon… the situations are not comfortable, nevertheless what helps us is the popular case… there will be no stability or a stable popular case if the state doesn’t stand by the people,” President Assad added.
On whether Syria has burned its Arab papers, He said “ this has not happened, because the half-men are existing in all stances and places… it is a common word, it may refer to an official, journalist or a writer.”
On the reactions of some Arab newspapers on the Syrian stance and President Assad’s sentence of “half stances, half men” and whether this will have impacts on the Syrian stances, the President said “the reality is not, because those who talked about the sentence is part of the Arab media and this part stands in a position which contradicts our position… they left all what I have said in the speech and resorted to this sentence and their interpretation is incorrect… those countries adopted stances that differ from our stance… or our stance is different from theirs.”
If communications continued between Syria and each of Saudi Arabia and Egypt after President’s Speech or not, President Assad answered yes, communications continued.
“There are always differences in stances between us and other Arab states.. our stance regarding resistance, our stance regarding war, but we should always contact in order for each of us to interpret ate his stance,” He added.
Regarding Syria’s relations with Arab neighboring countries and with Iran and Turkey, President Assad said that a number of Iraqi officials wish to have good relations with Syria but the occupation prevents them from doing this, there are several parties in Lebanon want good relations with Syria, and this is the case in Jordan. But the right thing is that Turkey was the most cooperative side with Syria in the previous stages and still, particularly during international investigation.”
On Germany’s stance after President Assad’s speech, the President said that Germany’s stance didn’t change, and the statement of Germany’s Foreign Minister after canceling the visit to Syria remained positive, they want dialogue with Syria and contacts between us still continuous.
He added that Syria is not isolated and Syrian Foreign Minister went to Finland today, which is currently chairing the EU, and the matters run normally.
On Syria’s isolation, President Assad said, “The issue of isolating Syria has failed. The real thing is that the European isolation was under French- American pressure, the Europeans are now talking frankly that they will not accept this situation, they are enthusiastic for dialogue.
Regarding President’s speech on the positive side of the war in Lebanon that it uncovered the Arab situation or Arab without make-ups, President Assad answered, “When we began talking on war in Iraq and in Lebanon, we have been divided as Arabs. There might by an Arab unity but it is fragile or let us say it is inactive, what is the value of unity when it is ineffective.”
Regarding whether , Syria, and Lebanon , and Palestine are the only ones who should be involved in war and peace, the president said that some of the Arab official act as if the Syria is not existed while in fact Syria should be asked about her vision with regard to the peace process and in this connection came the Turkish foreign minister and Sheikh Hamad , Emir of Qatar and asked us about our position and we laid a vision so that they can move with us .or without us when we are in a position we can not move . Suppose there is a summit on Darfur and we do not ask Sudan about what it wants.
The president added that Syria remains the party that would negotiate , and if negotiations failed , Syria would go to war but we have to determine how could the Arab role move in the right direction so that it could not be harmful.Regarding Emir of Qatar's recent visit to Damascus, the president said that Qatar is ofcourse the only Arab country at the UN.
Security Council and her role is pivotal and on bilateral level , relations have developed greatly in recent years and Qatar enjoys political credibility as far as Syria is concerened.Regarding the role which should be played by Qatar , the president said that Syria doesn't want Qatar to be Syria , every country is different from the other in various aspects but do not give promises that you cannot meet when need arises. Q atar has been clear with Syria .
With regard to any Qatari role for the convention of an Arab summit , the president said that such a proposal has weakened recently and Syria doesn't want a summit without an aim or content.
On the president saying that the national decision is one that should prevail , while Terry Rod Larsen says that the international resolution should be implemented , the president said that the UN. Security Council should be a council to preserve peace and not be a council to be an American arm to intervene in the internal affairs of others and we blindly follow this council , this will encourage some of the super powers to use the council as a legitimate cover for their aggression.
Regarding the repercussions of the current situation on the Iraq and Palestine , the president said that the victory of the resistance in the year 2000 has influenced the Intifada that out broke in the following months and lasted for years.
The resistance in Iraq influenced the resistance in Lebanon and in Palestine and the thing is reciprocal because the resistance in Iraq intensified by 40 percent during the month of war in Lebanon.
On whether the victory of the resistance motivate some parties in Iraq, the president said that on the popular level , we witnessed the march of million Iraqi in support of the resistance.On the Americans'silence with regard to accusation of Syria's involvement in Iraq, the president said that such accusations have ceased to convince anybody, and the American people know that the failure in Iraq is because of the US. administration.
Regarding Syria's hosting of the Palestinian resistance movements of Hamas and Islamic Jihad , the president said that following the victory of Hamas in the election the Europeans have realized that dealing with such groups is essential.
On why Syria alone bears the burden of hosting the Palestinian groups , the president said that Israel expelled them and so they would remain until they go back to their homeland and not to another country.
Regarding the future situation in Palestine following what happened in Lebanon , the president said that similar to what has been achieved by the resistance, something will happen in the Palestinian territories and one may wonder whether Israel has understood the lesson .
The president said that one should wait for the last Israeli trial balloon to determine how things would go.
As far as the Palestinians are concerned , there are moves to form a government of national unity and that what Syria has always encouraged.
Regarding war and peace in the region , the president said that Syria has always talked about peace as a strategic option, and Syria seeks to restore rights without a high price by peaceful means and the next few months will determine war or peace depending on the Israelis in the first place.

English Bulletin

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Gül Suriye'de Annan yolda

Kaynak: Radikal

Esad, Şam'ı ziyaret eden Gül'e 'Türkiye'nin UNIFIL'e katılımına seviniriz. Teçhizatınızı Suriye'den geçirin' dedi. Böylece asker-teçhizat sevk planı tamamlandı

Türkiye'nin Lübnan'a konuşlanacak BM gücüne (UNIFIL) katkı konusunda karar vermesi öncesinde, Dışişleri Bakanı Abdullah Gül, Lübnan ve İsrail'in ardından dün de Hizbullah'ı destekleyen Suriye'yi ziyaret etti. Şam'a "Karar yakında alınacak" diyerek giden Gül, 45 dakika planlanırken 1.5 saat görüştüğü Suriye Devlet Başkanı Beşar Esad'ın Türkiye'nin güce katılımına yönelik desteğini aldı.

'Burası sizin de ülkeniz'

Esad'ın Gül'e "Türkiye ve diğer Müslüman ülkelerin güce katılması bizi memnun eder. Özellikle Türkiye'nin katılımından memnuniyet duyarız. Elimizden gelen her türlü yardımı yapmaya hazırız. Burası sizin de ülkeniz. Transit geçiş yapabilirsiniz" dediği öğrenildi.

Askerler deniz yoluyla

Böylece Türkiye'nin asker ve teçhizatın bölgeye sevki planı tamamlandı. Gül, Türkiye güce katılırsa lojistik teçhizatın karayoluyla Suriye üzerinden taşınması için Esad'dan izin aldıklarını belirtti. Askerler ile kalan teçhizat deniz yoluyla Lübnan'a ulaşacak. BM'nin çalışmalarını netleşmesinin ardından, Türkiye'nin bir hafta içinde siyasi kararını alması öngörülüyor.

Genelkurmay'dan eşlikçi

Gül'ün heyetinde Genelkurmay Başkanlığı Plan Prensipler Daire Başkanı Tümgeneral Kenan Koçak da yer alıp tüm temaslara katıldı. Gül, Esad'a "Suriye'ye büyük rol düşüyor. Sizden katkı görülürse takdir toplarsınız. 1701 sayılı BM kararının tam uygulanmasını, Lübnan'da Sinyora hükümetinin yarattığı ciddi siyasi dönüşümü destekleyin" telkininde bulundu. Şam'a gücün barışı koruyacağı ve evlere baskın yapmayacağı güvencesi veren Gül, Şam'a hareketi öncesi, "Türkiye kesinlikle çatışmaya girmeyecek, yerli unsurlarla karşı karşıya gelmeyecek veya onların silahsızlandırılmasını üstlenmeyecek" vurgusu yapmıştı.

Gül, Rice'ı eleştirdi

Gül, Suriyeli gazetecilerin ABD Dışişleri Bakanı Condoleezza Rice'ın 'yeni Ortadoğu' söylemini hatırlatması üzerine "Bütün ülkelerin toprak bütünlükleri, siyasi birlikleri ve sınırlarının korunması esastır. Bu konuda kararı bölge halkları verir. Dışarıdan şekillendirme hiçbir zaman doğru netice vermez. Yeni Ortadoğu söylemini, yeni sınırların belirlenmesi anlamında da anlayamıyorum" dedi.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Abdullah Gül Suriye'de

Kaynak: BBC Turkce
Türkiye Dışişleri Bakanı Abdullah Gül, günübirlik bir ziyaret için Suriye'ye gitti.

Abdullah Gül gezisi öncesi, Lübnan'a asker gönderme kararıyla ilgili olarak teknik çalışmaların sürdüğünü söyledi.

Gül, ''Bu değerlendirmeler tamamlandıktan sonra hükümetimiz kararını verecektir'' dedi.
Türkiye Dışişleri Bakanı, Milli Güvenlik Kurulu'nun dünkü toplantısında da konunun geniş şekilde değerlendirildiğini, ancak değerlendirmelerin hala sürdüğünü belirtti.

Abdullah Gül bu noktada Lübnan'a gönderilmeleri halinde, Türk askerlerinin kesinlikle çatışma içeren bir görev üstlenmeyeceklerini de vurguladı.

Gül Suriye'de halen Cumhurbaşkanı Beşar Esad'la görüşüyor.

Abdullah Gül, Başkan Yardımcısı Faruk El Şara ve Dışişleri Bakanı Velid El Muallim'le de bir araya gelecek.

Türkiye Dışişleri Bakanı daha önce de Lübnan ve İsrail'de temaslarda bulunmuştu.
Mısır merkezli El Ahram gazetesinin Washington temsilcisi Halid Davud, Suriye'nin büyük ve kuvvetli bir çok uluslu gücün Lübnan'a konuşlandırılmasına elinden geldiğince direneceğini; bu gücün sınırda tam bir kontrol sağlamasını veya Hizbullah'ı etkisizleştirmesini istemeyeceğini söylüyor.

Halid Davud, Suriye'nin ise bu noktada Türkiye ile iyi ilişkilerini korumayı çok istediğini, belki de Türkiye ile bağlantısını kullanarak müzakere ortamını iyileştirmeye veya en azından Washington'a bu yönde bir mesaj iletmeye çalışabileceğini belirtiyor.

Davud'a göre çok uluslu güce asker katkısı açısından ise Fransa'nın belki de geri çekilme olarak tanımlanabilecek tavrı karşısında, Türkiye'nin rolü çok daha önem kazanacak; İsrail de, Türk askerlerinin Lübnan'da bulunmasının Suriye'nin kaygılarını biraz da olsa giderebileceğine inanıyor.

Hizbullah Ortadoğu'yu baştan çizdi (Oliver Roy- Radikal)

Fotoğraflarla Lübnan: Yıkım ve Direniş

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Orta Dogu’da Radikalizm ve Israil

Yasin Atlıoğlu

Israil’in Lubnan’a yonelik gerceklestirdigi ve pek cok sivilin olumune yol acan askeri saldirilar, Orta Dogu’da 2003 Nisaninda ABD’nin Irak isgaliyle yukselttigi siddet ve catisma ortamini genisletmekle birlikte bolgede uygulanan dis politika stratejilerinin radikallesmesine hizmet etmistir. Orta Dogu’da yukselen radikal politikalar bolgenin yakin gelecegini ciddi bir sekilde tehdit etmektedir.

Israil’in Lubnan Saldirisi ve Uluslararasi Toplumun Duyarsizligi

Israil’in son saldirilarinin yapilis tarzi ve hedefleri, Batililar tarafindan daha cok Dogu ve Musluman dunyasi yonelik kullanilan radikalizm, radikal olma gibi kavramlarin bolgede tekrar tanimlanmasi gerektigini gostermektedir. Ozellikle Israil’in ulkesinin guvenligini bahane ederek Lubnanli cocuk ve kadinlarinda oldugu sivil yerlesimlere yonelik askeri saldirilari, ABD’nin daha once Irak’ta uyguladigi sivillere yonelik siddet eylemleriyle birlikte dusunuldugunde Orta Dogu’da radikalizmin HAMAS, Hizbullah gibi koktenci orgutlerle veya Ahmedinecad’in Israil’e karsi saldirgan soylemleriyle sinirli kalmadigi acikca ortaya koymaktadir. Gunumuzde icinde bulundugumuz uluslararasi konjonkturde Orta Dogu’da etkin olmak isteyen devletlerin dis politika davranislarinda radikal olarak nitelendirilecek metodlara sik sik basvurduklari gorulmektedir. Bu durumun bir sonucu olarak da Orta Dogu’daki kriz alanlari hizli bir sekilde derinlestirmekte ve yayginlastirmaktadir.

Israilli yetkililer, Lubnan’a yonelik yapilan askeri saldirilarin temel nedeni olarak silahli guce sahip Hizbullah orgutunun Lubnan sinirindan ulkesini tehdit ettigini gostermektedir. ABD yonetimlerinin neredeyse son 60 yildir Orta Dogu’ya bakisini sekillendiren temel etkenler arasinda Israil’in guvenligi oldugu gercegi, Israil ve ABD arasindaki derin stratejik ortaklikla birlestirildiginde ABD yonetiminin saldirilar karsisindaki tek tarafliligini ve tepkisizligini anlamamizi saglamaktadir. Bununla birlikte Yahudi toplumunun ice kapali dayanismaci yapisi ve Batili ulkeler icerisindeki etkin orgutlenme gucune sahip olan Yahudi lobisi o ulkelerdeki siyasi ve ekonomik kararalma mekanizmasini ve surecini dogrudan etkileyebilmektedir. Lubnan’da sivillere yonelik Israil saldirilarindan dolayi Israil devletine yonelik gelebilecek elestiriler ve kamuoyu baskisi ABD’deki Yahudi lobi gucu sayesinde en alt duzeye cekilebilmektedir. Ozellikle ABD kamuoyunun (Avrupa kamuoyunun aksine) Israil’in Lubnan saldirisini sadece terorist bir orgute karsi operasyon olarak gormesi ve sivillere yonelik eylemleri goz ardi etmesi ancak boyle aciklanabilir. Israil’in kendinin mesrulastirma cabasi ve saldirilarin sadece teroristlere karsi bir operasyon oldugu iddiasi Lubnan’da sivillere yonelik bir katliama tum dunyanin yeterince tepki gosterememesi sonucunu dogurmaktadir.

Israil saldirilarinin zamanlamasi yani cevresinde Irak ve Filistin gibi iki kriz alani yer alirken Israil’in Lubnan gibi bir batakliga tekrar girmesi Iran ve Suriye’nin ozellikle son bir yildir kaybettikleri guc ve prestiji Israil faktorunu kullanarak tekrar kazanmak istedigi ve Israil’in bilincli bir sekilde Lubnan’a cekildigi yorumlarina yol acmistir. Fakat Suriye-Iran-Hizbullah uclusunun Israil’i Lubnan’da avantajli bir konjonkturden tekrar bir batakliga cektikleri yonundeki senaryolarin inandiricilik duzeyi oldukca dusuktur. Her ne kadar kriz Hizbullah’in iki Israilli askeri kacirmasiyla Lubnan’a sicradiysa da Israil’in sorunlari cozme konusunda diplomatik yontemleri kullanma konusunda genellikle istekli olmamasi ve daha cok askeri metodlarla sorunu cozme cabasi unutulmamalidir. Bunun yaninda Israilli yetkililerin cogunun Lubnan’daki yeni konjonkture ragmen Hizbullah ile pazarlik masasina otumayi dusunmedigi ve Hizbullah’in silah birakacagina inanmadigi rahatlikla soylenebilir. Suriye-Iran-Hizbullah’in da birlikte hareket edebilme yetenegine sahip oldugunu dusunmek gercekci degildir. Suriye, Iran ve Hizbullah icin birlestirici ortak dusman Israil’dir, fakat Hizbullah sadece Suriye ve Iran’in uzantisi bir orgut olarak gormek bizi yanlis sonuclara goturebilir. Bunlarla birlikte saldiri sonucu Lubnan’da siviller yonelik olusan insani krizin Suriye ve Iran tarafindan Israil’e karsi bir propaganda araci olarak kullanilmasini anlamaksa realist bir bakis acisiyla bakildiginda cok da zor gorunmemektedir.

Israil’in Lubnan’a saldirisindaki tavri aslinda yeni bir tavir degildir. Soguk Savas doneminde ve sonrasinda Arap devletleriyle cevrilmis ve asiri guvensiz bir cografyada varligini surdurmeye calisan Israil zaman zaman bu guvensizlik psikolojisinin de etkisiyle Araplara karsi radikal saldirilar ve siddet eylemleri uygulayabilmektedir. Ilk akla gelen siddet eylemleri arasinda Lubnan’da 1982’de gerceklesen Sabra ve Satilla katliamlarini veya 1997’de Guney Lubnan’a yonelik yapilan pek cok sivilin de oldugu Gazap Uzumleri operasyonu sayabiliriz. Israil’in bolgedeki temel sorununun guvenlik oldugu gercek olmakla birlikte Israil yonetiminin asiri siddete dayali siyasi ve askeri eylemlerde cogu zaman dini ve etnik milliyetcilige dayali bir fanatizmden siyrilamadigini da belirtmek gerekiyor. Bunun bir sonucu olarak Israil, tek tarafli, adalet ve ahlak anlayisindan yoksun askeri saldirilarini realist ve pragmatik bir anlayisla aciklama gayreti gostermektedir.

Israil’in siddet politikalari uzun vadeli kazanimlar elde etmesini saglamaktadir. Ozellikle 90’larin ikinci yarisindan itibaren yogunlastirdigi siddet icerikli politikalari sayesinde Filistin’deki Araplarin icteki siyasi gucunu kirarken (El-Fetih-HAMAS catismasi) ABD’nin bolgeye yaptigi dolayli ve dogrudan siyasi ve askeri mudahaleler sayesinde bolgedeki en onemli dusmanlarindan biri olan Saddam Huseyin Irak’indan kurtulmustur. Yine Suriye ve Iran’a uygulanan ABD baski politikasi bu iki ulkenin hareket kabilyetini sinirlandirmis ve uzun vadede ozellikle Suriye’nin siyasi ve askeri guc ve prestij kaybina yol acmistir. Bu gelismelerle birlikte 2003 yilindan itibaren Irak merkezli olusan ve bolgeyi dogrudan etkileyen etnik ve dini parcalanmislik olgusunun ulus-alti baglarin guclenmesine hizmet etmesi dolayli olarak Israil’e yonelik potansiyel tehditlerin ortadan kalkmasina hizmet etmektedir. Bolgedeki surekli kriz durumu ve siyasi parcalanmislik Israil’in yasam alanini guvence altina aldigi gibi bolgede siyasi ve askeri etkinligini ve mudahale gucunu arttiracaktir.

Lubnan saldirilari, bolgenin daha genis bir catisma ortamina suruklenme ihtimalinin yuksek oldugunu gosterdigi gibi uluslararasi hukuk ve uluslararasi toplum gibi kavramlarin devletlerin cikarlari karsisinda anlamsiz hale geldigini gostermektedir. ABD yonetiminin bolgeye gelirken en fazla kullandigi demokrasi ve insan haklari kavramlarinin ise bir ayda cogu sivil 1000 civarinda insanin oldugu Lubnan’da veya her gun ortalama 100 kisinin oldugu Irak’ta yakin bir gelecekte inandiricilik duzeyi oldukca dusuk olacaktir. Arap devletlerinin icinde bulunduklari kriz ortamina karsi herhangi ortak bir karar alamamalari ise iktidar yapilanmalarinin gucsuzlulugunu ve kisisel cikar mucadelerini bir kez daha ortaya koymaktadir. Buna karsillik iktidardaki yonetici siniflara inanci giderek azalan halk ise giderek radikal dusunce ve eylemlere kaymaktadir.

Bolgede Radikallesen Politikalar ve Turkiye

Gunumuzde surekli bir degisimin ve yayilan kriz alanlarinin hakim oldugu uluslararasi konjontur icerisinde statik dis politika stratejilerine bagli kalan, hizli ve esnek manevra kabiliyetine sahip olamayan ve askeri tehdit kapasitesini verimli bir sekilde kullanamayan devletlerin bolgesel veya kuresel anlamda etkili olmalari oldukca guclesmektedir. Son yillarda Orta Dogu’daki siyasi gelismeler ABD, Israil ve Iran’in zaman zaman radikal dis politika davranislarina veya soylemlerine en azindan arac olarak kullanma gereksinimine ihtiyac duyduklarini gostermistir.
Turkiye bolgedeki sorunlara genellikle ABD-Turkiye iliskilerinin baskisini uzerinde hissederek yaklasmaktadir. Bu durum Turkiye’nin Israil, Iran ve Arap ulkeleriyle iliskilerini sekillendirmekte, bolgedeki etkinlik duzeyini dusurmekte ve en onemlisi kisilikli ve bagimsiz politika izlemesini engellemektedir. Yine bolgede hizla radikallesen politikalar karsisinda Turk yonetimi diplomasi kanaliyla bolgesel isbirligi olusturma cabalarini surdurmekle birlikte yaptirim gucunu gostermelidir. Bununla birlikte kriz alanlarina yakin bolgelerde etkin politika izleyebilmek icin alinan hizli ve ani kararlar (diger devletler tarafindan radikal olarak nitelense bile) hizli stratejik sicrayislara ve uzun vadeli guc kazanimina yol acabilir. Turkiye’nin Irak’tan kaynaklan guvenlik risklerini uluslararasi konjonkturun yarattigi firsatlari iyi degerlendirmek suretiyle kararlilikla ortadan kaldirmasi gerekmektedir. Turk yonetimi uzun vadede bolgenin ice suruklendigi siyasi ve askeri kaosun ciddi bir bolgesel catismaya donusebilme olasiligini surekli gozonunde bulundurmalidir. Bununla birlikte yonetici elit tarafindan alinan dis politika kararlarinin devletin guc yelpazesiyle uyumlu olmasi ve zamanlamasinin yerinde olmasi da onemlidir. Muhakkak ki radikal dis politika davranislarini ve kararlarini mesru bir zemine oturtma becerisi de yonetici elitin stratejik karar alma ve yonetim yetenegiyle dogru orantili olacaktir.