"And I have found both freedom and safety in my madness, the freedom of loneliness and the safety from being understood, for those who understand us enslave something in us. But let me not be too proud of my safety. Even a Thief in a jail is safe from another thief. "

Khalil Gibran (How I Became a Madman)

Lübnan Marunîleri / Yasin Atlıoğlu


Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Syrian Actor Yasin Baqqoush Martyred after Mortar Struck His Car- SANA

DAMASCUS, (SANA) – Syrian actor Yasin Baqqoush was martyred on Sunday evening after a mortar fired by terrorists struck his car in front of his home in Yarmouk camp in Damascus. He was 75 years old.
The martyr's brother Muwaffaq told SANA that Yasin will be laid to rest on Monday afternoon in al-Taghalbeh cemetery in al-Salhiye area in Damascus.
Yasin Baqqoush was born in Damascus in 1938. He was best known for his performances in comedy series with actor Dureid Lahham and the late actor Nihad Qal'ei, and he was considered one of the founders of Syrian comedy.
He also starred in many movies and historical series, in addition to a long career in comedy theater.
He left behind a wife and 11 children.


Monday, February 25, 2013

Al-Moallem.. Syria Determined to peaceful Means, Combating terrorism, Lavrov.. Russia Stance Firm- SANA

MOSCOW, (SANA) – Deputy Prime Minister, Foreign and Expatriates Minister Walid al-Moallem held talks in Moscow on Monday with Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs Sergey Lavrov, discussing the current situation in Syria and relations between the two friendly countries.
Al-Moallem briefed Lavrov on the complications of the crisis in Syria which are caused by the interference of well-known regional and international sides and their support of terrorist groups with funds, weapons and training and sending them to Syria to sabotage its infrastructure and attack the armed forces, law-enforcement personnel, citizens, public and private facilities.
He pointed out that President Bashar al-Assad launched the political program to resolve the crisis on January 6th, 2013 at a time when the Syrian government is defending its citizens and combating terrorism, and that a ministerial committee chaired by the Prime Minister was formed to prepare for national comprehensive dialogue with all those who wish to engage in dialogue in Syria and abroad, including those who carried arms and relinquished them, because reform isn't carried out through bloodshed but rather through dialogue.


Suriye'den Türkiye'ye büyük suçlama- CNNTURK

Suriye Enformasyon Bakanı Omran Zoubi, Türk hükümetinin Suriye'de yaşanan olaylarda parmağı olduğunu belirtti.
(DHA) -- Zoubi, "Türk hükümetinin Suriye krizine karıştığına dair ayrıntılı belge ve dosyalar isim ve fotoğraflara hazırlanarak BM Güvenlik konseyi dâhil uluslar arası toplum kurumlarına uygun zamanda sunulacaktır" dedi.

Suriye resmi haber ajansı SANA'nın bildirdiğine göre Omran Zoubi, Alem televizyonuna verdiği röportajda, Türk hükümetinin siyasi, askeri, güvenlik ve ekonomik alanda Suriye'de yaşanan tüm olaylarda parmağı olduğunu iddia etti.


Davutoğlu: Suriye rejimi mezhepsel savaş çıkarmak istiyor- Hürriyet

Birleşmiş Milletler İnsan Hakları Konseyi'ne hitap eden Dışişleri Bakanı Ahmet Davutoğlu, Suriye'deki durumun bölgesel barış ve güvenlik için de gerçek bir tehdit haline geldiğini belirterek, Suriye konusunda BM çatısı altında 'birleşmiş bir insani vicdan' ile hareket edilmesi gerektiğini söyledi. Davutoğlu, Suriye rejiminin Suriye halkını, bütün bölgeyi alevler içinde yakarak yok edebilecek şekilde mezhepsel savaşa itmek istediğini belirtti.


Suriye'de savaşı bitirecek gelişme!- Vatan

'Görüşmeye hazırız'

Suriye Dışişleri Bakanı Velid Mualim, 'silahlı muhaliflerle görüşmeye hazırız' açıklaması yaptı.

Mualim, Rusya Dışişleri Bakanı Lavrov ile Moskova'da görüştü. İkili görüşmelerin ardından basın toplantısı düzenliyor. Lavrov, çatışmanın sürmesi halinde Suriye'nin yıkılmasının kaçınılmaz olduğunu belirtti.

Muhalifler daha önce yaptıkları açıklamalarda Esad'ın görevi bırakması halinde her türlü görüşmeye açık olduklarını belirtmişti.

Friday, February 22, 2013

Теракт у посольства России в Дамаске

Şam: Siyasi girişimlere denk gelen patlama- BBC Türkçe

Suriye'de iktidarda olan Baas Partisi'nin merkezi yakınında en az 53 kişinin öldüğü bildirilen büyük bir patlama oldu.
Resmi çıkışlı haberlerde 200 kişinin de yaralandığı bildirildi.
Bazı kaynaklarda patlamanın Baas'ın parti merkezi ile Rusya büyükelçiliği arasına düşen bir yerde olduğu belirtilirken, resmi kaynaklar, patlamanın bir okulun yakınında olduğunu, ölenler arasında öğrencilerin de bulunduğunu belirtiyor.
Patlama sonrasında şehir merkezinde tıklayın büyük yıkım meydana geldi.
BBC'ye ulaşan bilgilerden patlamanın Baas partisi yakınında olduğunun kesinlik kazandığı anlaşılıyor.

Şam'daki patlama, çatışan tarafların ve dışarıdan girişimde bulunanların toplantılar düzenlediği, açıklamalar yaptığı bir sıraya rastlıyor.

Suriye'deki muhalif oluşumun şemsiye örgütü konumundaki Suriye Ulusal Koalisyonu Mısır'da iki günlük bir toplantı için biraraya geldi.


Fifty-Three Civilians Martyred, 235 Others Injured so far in Terrorist Bombing in al-Thawra Street in Damascus- SANA

DAMASCUS,(SANA)- Fifty-three civilians were martyred and 235 others were injured so far in a terrorist bombing which took place on Thursday morning in al-Thawra Street in the surrounding of al-Mazraa neighborhood in Damascus.
In a statement, the Ministry of Health pointed out that 53 martyrs and 235 wounded people were admitted to the public and private hospitals, noting that these numbers may increase due to the critical conditions of some injured people.
Health Minister, Dr. Saad al-Nayef, told reporters during a tour in Damascus Hospital that the terrorist bombing reflects the criminal nature of its perpetrators, adding that the Ministry is exerting all efforts to offer medical services to the injured people.
The injured people roundly denounced this terrorist bombing, noting that the perpetrators aim to destabilize Syria through killing innocent women, children and old men.
SANA reporter said that the bombing, which took place in a densely populated area near a crossroad of main streets, killed and injured a large number of civilians, including children.
He added that huge material damage was caused to the houses of citizens in the area surrounding the bombing in addition to a huge fire in a large number of cars, noting that the victims are mostly passersby, school students and people driving their cars.
SANA reporter pointed out that the blast also caused huge damage to al-Hayat Hospital and Abdullah Bin al-Zubir school in the area as well as to the minibuses in a bus station nearby.
Sources at the Red Crescent and Damascus Hospitals said the bodies of tens of martyrs and injured people were admitted to the hospitals.
For his part, Education Minister, Dr. Hazwan al-Wazz, said the teorrist bombing caused material damage in some neighboring schools and injured 3 teachers and 20 students.
The Minister added that Damascus Examinations Department and the second building of the Education Ministry were also affected, in addition to wounding some employees.
He stressed that the terrorist bombing will not affect the determination of the Ministry staff members to continue their role towards their homeland.

Başarılı Operasyonlarda Teröristler Ağır Kayıplar Veriyor- SANA Türkçe

İLLER – Silahlı kuvvetlerimiz vatani görevi çerçevesinde ülkenin muhtelif illerinde düzenlediği kapsamlı operasyonlarda bugün de çok sayıda kiralık teröristi etkisiz hale getirdi.
Şam Kırsalında Çok Sayıda Keskin Nişancı Terörist Etkisiz Hale Getirildi
Kahraman silahlı kuvvetlerimizin Şam kırsalına düşen Dareyya ve Nebek’te düzenlediği nitelikli operasyonlarda teröristlere ait bir çok toplanma merkezi ve barınağı imha ederek teröristlere ait silahlara el koydu.
SANA’ya açıklama yapan yetkili bir kaynak; teröristlere yönelik Dareyya’daki operasyonlarında aralarında Raşid el-Lahham adlı teröristin de bulunduğu çok sayıda keskin nişancı terörist etkisiz hale getirilirken terör eylemlerinde kullandıkları silah ve mühimmata el koyuldu, ağır makineli silahların monte edildiği bir araç imha edildi.
Öte yandan Kaynak; Nebek’in doğu çiftliklerinde çok sayıda terörist etkisiz hale getirildiğini, teröristlerin havzalarında bulunan silah, RPG roketleri, anti-tank roketatar ve el yapımı bombalara el koyulduğunu belirtti.
Ordu birliklerimiz Şam kırsalına düşen Duma, Haresta, Zemelka ve Arbin çiftliklerinde terör yuvalarına yönelik düzenlediği bir dizi nitelikli operasyonda teröristleri ağır kayıplara uğrattı.


Thursday, February 21, 2013

Syria News 21.2.2013, Terrorist Bombing in Damascus Fifty-Three Civilian...-Youtube

Syria Breaking News- FSA Al Qaeda Terrorist Suicide Attack in Damascus n...-Youtube

صور جديدة للتفجير الإرهابي في شارع الثورة - دمشق 21-2-2013

Newly Displaced Syrians Head For Turkish Border- NPR

A new surge of Syrian refugees is swamping humanitarian aid agencies in southern Turkey, where official refugee camps are full.
But the newcomers may be just the tip of the iceberg. In central Syria, civilians under attack by combat jets, tanks and artillery have fled towns and villages north of the city of Hama, and thousands are on the move.


Syria Dominates Kerry's First Trip Abroad as Secretary of State- VOA

STATE DEPARTMENT — U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry leaves Sunday for Europe and the Middle East - his first trip abroad as America's top diplomat.The conflict in Syria tops Kerry's agenda.

With Syria's civil war rocking Damascus suburbs, Kerry's schedule in Europe and the Middle East includes meetings with opponents of embattled Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

How to Start a Battalion (in Five Easy Lessons)- LRB

Ghaith Abdul-Ahad reports from Syria

In the cramped living room of a run-down flat near the Aleppo frontline, two Syrian rebels sat opposite each other. The one on the left was stout, broad-shouldered, with a neat beard that looked as though it had been outlined in sharp pencil around his throat and cheeks. His shirt and trousers were immaculately pressed and he wore brand-new military webbing – the expensive Turkish kind, not the Syrian knock-off. The rebel sitting opposite him was younger, gaunt and tired-looking. His hands were filthy and his trousers caked in mud and diesel.

The flat had once belonged to an old lady. Traces of a domestic life that had long ceased to exist were scattered around the room and mingled with the possessions of the new occupiers. A mother of pearl ashtray sat next to a pile of walkie-talkies. Small china figurines stood on top of the TV next to a box of cartridges. Guns and ammunition lay on the rickety wooden chairs and a calendar showing faded landscapes hung on the wall. In the bedroom next door clothes were piled on the bed next to crates of ammunition. The stout rebel was shifty, on edge and keen to finish what he came to say and leave quickly. The other looked like a man waiting for a disaster to unfold.

But like a couple trying to conduct the business of their divorce with civility they spent a long time on pleasantries: each asked the other about his village and praised the courage and strength of his people. Outside a machine gun fired relentlessly down the street, interrupted only by the occasional thud of a mortar shell.

‘I am taking my cousins away from the front,’ the stout man finally said.

‘Why?’ the young rebel whined, as if one of the mortar shells had smacked him in the head. ‘Did we do anything wrong? Didn’t we feed them properly? Didn’t they get their daily rations? Whatever ammunition we get we divide equally: tell me what we did wrong.’

‘No, no, nothing wrong – but you seem not to have any work here.’

‘But this is an important defensive position,’ the young rebel pleaded. ‘All of Aleppo depends on this hill. If you go, two frontline posts will be left empty. They’ll be able to skirt around us.’

‘I’m sure you’ll take care of it. Allah bless your men, they’re very good.’

‘Where will you go?’

‘A very good man, a seeker of good deeds – he is from our town but he lives in the Gulf – told me he would fund my new battalion. He says he will pay for our ammunition and we get to keep all the spoils of the fighting. We just have to supply him with videos.’

‘But why would he do that? What’s he getting in return?’

‘He wants to appease God, and he wants us to give him videos of all our operations. That’s all – just YouTube videos.’

‘So he can get more money.’

‘Well, that’s up to him.’

They spent some more time on pleasantries but the divorce was done. The stout man walked out. Waiting for him in the cold were half a dozen men, young, earnest, country boys with four guns between them. Their cigarettes glowed in the dark as they walked behind their cousin, their new commander, in his pressed trousers and shirt, who promised them better food, plentiful ammunition and victory. So a new battalion is formed, one more among the many hundreds of other battalions fighting a war of insurgency and revolution against the regime of Bashar al-Assad.


Why Are Syrians So Prone to Factionalism? by Abdul Ahad; Ahrar al-Sham Takes Jarrah Air Base- Syria Comment


Erdogan: Turkey-Syria bomb was mean to provoke Ankara- Youtube

Kurds Fighting Alongside FSA in Aleppo- Youtube

Beşar Esad'ın Bakanlar Kurulu Konuşmasından Bir Kesit - Türkçe Altyazı 1...

Monday, February 11, 2013

Bombing on Syria border may have targeted opposition leader- New York Times

A minibus explosion on the Turkey side of the Bab Hawa border crossing occurs just after George Sabra of the Syrian National Coalition passes through.


Cilvegözü'nde büyük patlama!- CNNTURK

Cilvegözü Sınır Kapısı'nda meydana gelen patlamada 3'ü Türk 13 kişi öldü, 28 kişi yaralandı.
 Hatay'ın Reyhanlı ilçesindeki Cilvegözü Sınır Kapısı bölgesindeki gümrük personelinin lojmanlarına çok yakın bir noktada, giriş kapısına yaklaşık 40 metre uzaklıktaki tampon bölgedeki park alanında saat 15.00 sıralarında büyük bir patlama oldu.

Patlamanın Suriye plakalı bomba yüklü aracın sınırı geçişinin hemen ardından olduğu belirtildi.

Patlama sırasında 19 Suriye plakalı araçta ise maddi hasar meydana geldi.

Bu arada güvenlik kameralarında saldırının tüm görüntülerinin mevcut olduğu, saldırıyı iki aracın gerçekleştirdiği ve 2 kişinin araçları bıraktıktan sonra patlamanın gerçekleştiği belirtiliyor.

Güvenlik kameralarına göre saldırı zaman ayarlı bombayla gerçekleştirildi.


Saturday, February 09, 2013

Cardinal al-Rahi: Reforms Achieved by Dialogue, Not impose from Outside- SANA

DAMASCUS, (SANA) – Maronite Patriarch Cardinal Mar Bechara Boutros Al-Rahi stressed that reforms are necessary in all places but reached through dialogue and cooperation.
Heading a Mass on the occasion of Saint Maron's Feast Day at the Maronite Church in Damascus, Cardinal al-Rahi stressed that reforms are not imposed from outside countries.
He hoped local, regional and international sides will work on ending violence in Syria, praying to God to bring peace through dialogue.
"From here in Damascus, we ask all who are committing these violent acts to stop,… enough killing and displacing people from their places. They say that the reason is achieving reforms, reform are necessary in all places and for all peoples, but they are not imposed from outside, they stem from the needs of the country," he said.
He stressed that "Reforms are achieved through dialogue, … if there should be a role for the international community, then let it be in this tendency."


Maronite patriarch on key visit urges Syria reform- Hurriyet Daily News

Maronite Patriarch Beshara Rai arrived in Syria on Saturday from neighbouring Lebanon on a key visit and said the embattled country must make reforms but that these should not be imposed from outside.

His visit -- the first by a Maronite patriarch since Syrian and Lebanese independence in 1943 -- comes as the revolt against Syrian President Bashar al-Assad's regime nears the two-year mark.

The patriarch's trip is officially to attend the enthronement on Sunday of Greek Orthodox leader Yuhanna X Yazigi at the Church of the Holy Cross in Qassaa, a central neighbourhood of the conflict-ridden Syrian capital.

As violence raged on Saturday, including warplane raids targeting rebel positions in and around the capital itself, Patriarch Rai entered the Maronite cathedral in Damascus's Old City to warm applause, state television showed.

"We are here in solidarity with all the people who are suffering in Syria," Rai told AFP at Saint Anthony's Cathedral in the Christian district of Bab Tuma.

"We pray each day for the end of war and violence and that a unanimous peace may be achieved through cooperation." In a sermon, the patriarch said: "Reforms are necessary, but should not be imposed from the outside. They must come from within through dialogue and agreement." Assad was represented at Saturday's service by a Christian minister of state, Joseph Suweid.

The Lebanon-based patriarch told AFP his trip aimed to show "that there is unity, friendship and cooperation between the Maronite and the Orthodox churches and all the churches in Syria." Yuhanna X Yazigi was chosen as the Patriarch of Antioch and All the East on December 17, replacing Ignatius IV Hazim who died that month.

"It is an occasion to pray alongside all who are praying for peace, tranquillity, the return of the refugees and that a peaceful and diplomatic solution may be found for the problems at hand," Rai said. Lebanese President Michel Sleiman said he supported the visit.


Rai hopes for peace during historic visit to Syria- Daily Star

BEIRUT: Maronite Cardinal Beshara Rai voiced during a historic visit to Syria Saturday solidarity with Syrians and expressed hope for an end to the nearly two-year old conflict.
“[I express solidarity] with all the people who are suffering in Syria,” Rai, who headed a sermon at the Maronite Cathedral of St. Anthony in the Bab Touma district of Damascus, told Lebanon’s National News Agency.
“We pray each day for the end of war and violence and that a unanimous peace may be achieved through cooperation," he added.
Syrian Minister of State Joseph Suweid, representing President Bashar Assad, attended the Mass along with religious figures.
Rai’s visit to Syria, the first by a head of the Maronite Church since Lebanon’s independence from France in 1943, comes as the crisis in Syria approaches its second year.

Read more: http://www.dailystar.com.lb/News/Local-News/2013/Feb-09/205739-lebanons-rai-to-syria-for-patriarchs-appointment-bishop.ashx#ixzz2KR2E8zQi
(The Daily Star :: Lebanon News :: http://www.dailystar.com.lb)

Suriye’de neler oluyor? (Muhammer Bayraktar- Yeni Mesaj)

 AKP iktidarı, Suriye politikalarında en zor günleri yaşıyor. ABD tarafından tabiri caizse, adeta saf dışı bırakılmış durumda. Çünkü Türkiye’nin bugüne kadarki söylemlerine, taleplerine beklentilerine taban tabana zıt gelişmeler oluyor. Suriye muhalefetinin önemli isimlerinden (Suriye Muhalefeti ve Devrimci Güçler Ulusal Koalisyonu Başkanı-SMDK) Muaz El Hatip, hiçbir şart öne sürmeden Esad’la görüşme talebinde bulundu.


Syria's civil war emphasizes Middle East's deep Sunni-Shia division (Charles M. Sennott- Global Post)

CAIRO — The ominous backdrop of civil war in Syria has exposed a Sunni-Shia sectarian fault line that was trembling at the summit of Islamic nations, which came to a close Thursday.
The crisis in Syria, observers here said, has become a kind of proxy war in the Sunni-Shia divide.
It was clear at the two-day summit of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) that Iran’s Shiite theocracy is unwavering in its support of the regime of Syrian President Bashar al Assad. Led by an Alawite minority that is considered an offshoot of Shiite Islam, Assad’s regime stepped up its pounding of the opposition, even as the delegates of the 52-nation regional organization were convening.
Meanwhile, the predominantly Sunni nations of Turkey, Saudi Arabia and other Gulf states that attended the summit made it clear they were putting their regional clout and their petro dollars behind the still ill-defined Syrian rebel forces, which are suffering enormous casualties in a war that has already claimed 60,000 lives.


Friday, February 08, 2013

Rebels train Syrian teens to become ‘killing machines’- Al-Arabiya

Bored at home and eager to join their older brothers and fathers on the frontline against President Bashar al-Assad’s army, Syrian teenagers are joining the rebel cause, oblivious to international laws prohibiting child combatants.

“When they arrive here, they are children. By the time they leave, they are killing machines,” said Abdel Razzaq, a 38-year-old former army sergeant who trains the boys.

“I train them not to be scared of war and not to hesitate when the time comes to kill,” he said, speaking of his latest group of 20 volunteers, aged 14 to 18.

“There are no more adult men in the villages. Now it’s the children who come for military training,” said Abdel Razzaq.


Noah Bonsey on the Syrian Islamic Liberation Front; Nick Heras on how Islamic Militias emulate Hamas and Hizbullah- Syria Comment

[Landis comment] The Syrian Islamic Liberation Front or Jabhat Tahrir Suwriya al-Islamiya is the main fighting force of the Islamic militias that are not Salafist. The Supreme Military Command, which announced itself on December 7, 2013 at the time that the Syrian Opposition Coalition was established in Doha, is an empty vessel. If the West wants to explore “centrist” militias to support, these are they. I hope that Sam Heller or Pieter Van Ostaeyen will translate some other their literature for us so that we can get a better feel for their ambitions and ideological commitments.


The Army Inflicts Heavy Losses upon Terrorists in Several Provinces- SANA

PROVINCES, (SANA)- Units of the Armed Forces on Thursday pursued armed terrorist groups in Erbin, Zamalka and Adra al-Balad, Tal Kurdi, Douma Farms and Harasta, inflicting heavy losses upon their members.

SANA reporter quoted an official source as saying that the army destroyed terrorists' hideouts in Erbin and Zamalka and killed scores of terrorists, including Ismael Ghazi, Mohammad al-Khaimi, Ahmad Abdul-Qader, Noor Eddin Juha, Mohammad and Osama al-Taqi.

The source added that an army unit destroyed a 23mm antiaircraft gun and a vehicle with all terrorists inside it on the road to Adraa al-Balad.

Other army units pursued terrorist groups in Daraya city, Hejjeira, al-Dhiyabiyeh, al-Sbeineh and al-Hajar al-Aswad, killing and injuring many of their members.

An official source said in a statement to SANA that units of the Armed Forces killed and injured a number of terrorists in Daraya before they fled away disguised in women clothes.

Terrorists Mohammed al-Wawi, Walid Shetto, Majed Dawood, Omar Mansour and Jamal Rajab were identified among the dead.

In Hejjeira and al-Dhiyabiyeh, the army destroyed terrorists' hideouts and killed scores of terrorists, including Mohammad al-Qadi, Ayman Zein Eddin and Mahmoud al-Refaei.

In a relevant context, the Armed Forces continued pursuing terrorists in al-Sbeineh and al-Hajar al-Aswad, destroying a vehicle equipped with a 23 mm anti-aircraft gun and killing all terrorists inside.


Silahlı Kuvvetlerimiz Teröre Karşı Mücadelesinde Kararlılığını Sergiliyor- SANA Türkçe

İLLER – Silahlı kuvvetlerimiz vatanı ve halkı hedef alan teröristlere yönelik mücadelesinde kararlılık ve azmini başarıyla sergilerken dün muhtelif bölgelerde hainlerin yuvalarını hedef almaya devam etti.

Şam Kırsalında Düzenlenen Kovalama Operasyonlarında Teröristler Ağır Kayıplara Uğratıldı

Silahlı kuvvetlerimiz Şam kırsalına düşen Dareyya, Hüceyra, Diyabiye, Sbeyna ve Hacer el-Esved’te terör gruplarını hedef alan operasyonlarında teröristlere ait toplanma merkezleri ile suç aletlerinin bulunduğu barınakları imha ederken bir çok teröristi ölü ve yaralı olarak ele geçirdi.

SANA’ya açıklama yapan yetkili bir kaynak; silahlı kuvvetlerimizin Dareyya Kentinde düzenlediği operasyonda kadın kılığında kaçmaya çalışan çok sayıda teröristi ölü ve yaralı olarak ele geçirildiğini aktardı.

Aynı doğrultuda silahlı kuvvetlerimiz Hüceyra ve el-Diyabiye’de düzenlediği iki nitelikli operasyonda çok sayıda teröristi etkisiz hale getirdi.

Silahlı kuvvetlerimiz el-Sbeyna ve Hacer el-Esved bölgelerinde ise 23 kalibre uçaksavar makineli silahın monte edildiği bir aracı içerisindeki teröristlerle birlikte etkisiz hale getirdi.

Kahraman Ordu Birliklerimiz Arbin, Zemelka, Adra el-Beled, Tel Kurdi, Duma Çiftlikleri ve Harasta’da terörist gruplarını kovalama operasyonlarını başarıyla sürdürdü ve teröristleri ağır kayıplara uğrattı.

SANA’ya açıklama yapan yetkili bir kaynak, Arbin ve Zemelka’da çok sayıda terör barınağının tahrip edildiğini belirterek ölen teröristler arasından İsmail Gazi, Muhammed Hıyami, Ahmet Abdulkadir, Nureddin Cuha, Muhammed Utayri ve Usma Taki’nin kimliklerinin belirlendiğini ifade etti.


Otogar Şehitlerinin Arasında Çocuk ve Kadınlar da Var- SANA Türkçe

ŞAM – Hain teröristler dün sabah saatlerinde Şam’ın Kabun Bölgesindeki otobüs otogarını iki havan topuyla hedef aldılar.

İçişleri Bakanlığından bir kaynak; hain terör saldırısında aralarında 1 kadın ve 3 çocuğun bulunduğu 6 vatandaşın şehit düştüğünü ifade ederken bir çok vatandaşın da yaralandığını söyledi. Kaynak yaralıların tedavi için derhal hastanelere kaldırıldıklarını ifade ederken bir kısmının durumlarının ağır olduğunu aktardı.


İmralı'da Pişen Aşa Suriye'de Su Katmak (Çengiz Çandar- Radikal)


Suriye'de Tahminler Tutmadı- DW

Uluslararası toplum Suriye sorununda ortak bir tutum sergileyemiyor. Suriye’deki kriz yakın bir zamanda çözülecek gibi de gözükmüyor.

Siyasi gözlemciler Suriye'de Esad rejiminin kısa sürede yıkılacağı tahmininde bulunmuştu. Oysa ülkede isyan başlayalı neredeyse iki yıl oldu ve Esad hâlâ iktidarda. Halkın durumu ise giderek kötüleşiyor. Suriye'deki iç savaşta yaklaşık 60 bin insan öldü, binlercesi evinden oldu, komşu ülkelere sığındı. Rusya ve Çin'in vetosu nedeniyle BM Güvenlik Konseyi'nin eli kolu bağlı. İran, Esad rejimine destek verirken, Suudi Arabistan ile Katar muhalifleri destekliyor. Görünen o ki, kapsamlı yaptırımlara karşın savaşan her iki taraf için silah tedariği güvence altında. Nitekim gözlemcilere göre, Suriye'de durumun umutsuz bir görünüm arzetmesinin asıl sebebi de bu.


Panetta’dan Suriye itirafı- YDH

YDH- Amerikan Savunma Bakanı Leon Panetta, bakanlığı döneminde Suriye’deki silahlı grupların silahlandırılmasını desteklediklerini açıkladı.

BBC’nin haberine göre Amerikan Senatosu Silahlı Kuvvetler Komisyonunda konuşan Savunma Bakanı Leon Panetta, 11 Eylül 2012’de Libya konsolosluğuna yapılan saldırıyla ilgili açıklamalarda bulunurken Suriye’deki muhaliflerin silahlandırılmasını hala desteklediğini söyledi.


Fighting Rages Around Syrian Capital for Second Day- VOA

CAIRO — Syrian government forces shelled several districts of Damascus Thursday during a second day of fierce fighting with rebels in and around the capital.

Amateur video showed smoke rising from the southern districts of Damascus as shells crashed into areas that rebel forces have tried to seize from the government.

Witnesses say elite government units located along northern heights of the capital used field artillery to slow the rebel advance.

Syrian state television reported that a "government offensive" had pushed rebels out of the south-eastern Damascus district of Joubar. The report also said that rebel forces shelled a pro-government northern district of the city, killing several people.
Neither government nor rebel accounts can be independently verified as Syria does not permit journalists to report freely.


Panetta backs Syria rebels arms plan- BBC News

The US defence secretary has acknowledged for the first time that he supports arming Syrian rebels.

In testimony to Congress, Leon Panetta said he still supported the supply of weapons to rebels fighting forces loyal to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.
The plan was proposed by then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and David Petraeus, then director of the CIA, but reportedly rebuffed by the White House.

The US has so far offered only diplomatic backing to Syria's rebels.

More than 60,000 people are estimated to have been killed in the 22-month conflict.

The UN says it fears continuing violence could destabilise the whole region, and more than 600,000 Syrians have fled into neighbouring countries.


Thursday, February 07, 2013

Syria opposition urges Iran help restore stability in Syria- PRESS TV

The Iranian Foreign Ministry says Ahmed Moaz al-Khatib, the head of the Syrian National Coalition, has called for Iran to help restore stability in the Arab country.

Foreign Ministry Spokesman Ramin Mehmanparast told IRNA on Wednesday that Khatib had met with Iranian Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Salehi on the sidelines of the 49th annual Munich Security Conference on February 3, IRNA reported.

“In his meeting with Mr. Salehi, Khatib called for the use of the Islamic Republic’s capacities for the establishment of a stable situation in Syria,” Mehmanparast said.

The Syrian opposition figure wanted these talks to help realize the demands of the Syrian people through peaceful and democratic channels, and by holding elections, Mehmanparast added.

Lebanon court orders extradition of Syrian deserter- Al-Arabiya

A military court in Lebanon has ordered the extradition of a Syrian officer-turned-rebel who entered the country illegally back to his own embattled country, a judicial source told AFP on Wednesday.

The defector risks the death penalty for treason if he is actually handed over to the regime of President Bashar al-Assad, Lebanese human rights organizations warned.

A military court sentenced Lieutenant Mohammed Hassan Tlass to two months in prison which he has already served, a fine of 100,000 Lebanese pounds ($67) and his extradition, a judicial source told AFP on condition of anonymity.

During his trial, the 30-year-old said he was a member of the rebel Free Syrian Army and had entered Lebanon to bring a wounded comrade to safety.

'Many killed' in Syria car bombings- Al-Jazeera

At least 19 Syrian forces killed in two bombings targeting military compound in city of Palmyra, activists say.


ABD: Türk liderlerin sözleri tahrik edici- Hürriyet

ABD Dışişleri Bakanlığı Sözcüsü Victoria Nuland, Başbakan Recep Tayyip Erdoğan ve Dışişleri Bakanı Ahmet Davutoğlu'nun, İsrail'in Suriye'ye yaptığı hava saldırısıyla ilgili açıklamalarını eleştirdi.


Military Operations in Damascus Countryside Target Terrorists- SANA

PROVINCES, (SANA) – Army units on Wednesday carried out several military operations in Erbin, Zamalka, Harasta and Sbeineh in Damascus Countryside Province, inflicting heavy losses upon terrorists.
An official source told SANA that many terrorists were killed during the operations, as their hideouts were destroyed with all the weapons and ammunition inside along with their criminal tools that were used against residents and public and private properties.
Meanwhile, other units of the Armed Forces inflicted heavy losses upon terrorists in Tal Kurdi, Douma farms, Harasta, Hejjeira, al-Zabadani and Daraya city.
An official source told SANA reporter that the army destroyed a number of terrorist hideouts in Tal Kurdi, Douma farms and Harasta, killing many terrorists, including Fayez Mohammad Ali Kabkab, Fawzi Subhi Khabiyeh, Hisham al-Shamali, Mahmoud Eyon and Mustafa Hamadeh.
The source added that another unit of the Arned Forces eliminated ascores of terrorists in Hejjeira town, including terrorists Abu Hussein al-Golani, the leader of an armed group affiliated to Jabhat al-Nusra, and Ghasan al-Helo.
It noted that the army restored security to a number of streets and building in the western part of Daraya, killing and injuring many of terrorists in the area.

Ordu Birlikleri Teröristlere Karşı Operasyonlarını Sürdürüyor- SANA Türkçe

İLLER – Ordu birliklerimiz bugün muhtelif bölgelerde teröristlere yönelik operasyonlarını sürdürüyor.
Şam Kırsalında Yuvalarıyla Etkisiz Hale Getiriliyor
Kahraman ordu birliklerimiz, Şam kırsalına düşen Tel Kürdi Bölgesi, Duma ve Haresta çiftlikleri, Huceyra, Zebedani ve Dareyya beldelerinde düzenlediği bir dizi nitelikli operasyonda teröristleri ağır kayıplara uğrattı.
SANA’ya açıklama yapan yetkili bir kaynak; operasyonda Tel Kürdi, Haresta ve Duma çiftliklerinde teröristlere ait bir aracın içerisindeki silah ve mühimmatla birlikte imha edildiğini belirtirken çok sayıda teröristin ölü ve yaralı olarak ele geçirildiğini ifade etti.
Kaynak; ordu birliklerimizin Huceyra Beldesinde düzenlediği nitelikli operasyonlarda bir çok teröristin ölü ve yaralı olarak ele geçirildiğini, öldürülen teröristler arasında Nusra Cephesine tabi bir terör grubunun elebaşı Ebu Hüseyin el-Covlani’nin de bulunduğunu ekledi.

Üçüncü Şam taarruzu başarısız oldu- YDH

YDH- Bugün Şam’a büyük bir saldırı başlatan silahlı grupların başarısız olduğu ve Suriye güvenlik güçleri karşısında ağır kayıplar verdiği bildirildi.
El-Kuds el-Arabi gazetesi, Suriyeli muhaliflerin üçüncü defa başlattıkları Şam savaşında da başarısız olduklarını duyurdu.
Gazetenin muhabirlerinden Kamil Sakr, muhalif askeri güçlerin, Temmuz 2012'de Ulusal Güvenlik Merkezi'ni hedef alan saldırı sonrasında başlatılan Büyük Şam Savaşı'nda olduğu gibi dün başlatılan Şam savaşında da başarısız olduğunu söyledi.
Yeni Şam savaşının, Suriye Ulusal Koalisyon Başkanı Muaz el-Hatib'in Suriye yönetimine yaptığı diyalog çağrısı sonrasında başlatılmasına dikkat çeken Sakr, başkent Şam'ın yanı sıra Halep'te de şimdiye kadar benzeri görülmemiş şiddetli çatışmaların yaşandığını kaydetti.
Muhalif askeri örgütlerin savaşı Şam'ın merkezine nakletme girişimi, Suriye Ordusu'nun verdiği sert karşılıkla başarısız oldu.


Libyalı Cihatçı: Diyalogçuların kafasını koparacağız!- YDH

YDH- Bir süre önce Suriye'nin İdlib şehrinde, elindeki kılıcıyla Suriye yönetimine karşı tehditler savururken görülen Libyalı Ebu Hafs, bu defa Halep'te, Muaz el-Hatib'in kafasını koparma tehdidinde bulundu.

Suriye’den Erdoğan’a ağır suçlama- Hürriyet

Suriye Dışişleri Bakan Yardımcısı Faysal el-Mikdad, Alman Der Spiegel Dergisi’ne verdiği röportajda Suriye Devlet Başkanı Beşar Esad’ın savaştan galip çıkacağını öne sürerek Türk hükümetine ağır suçlamalarda bulundu.


Satellite images show alleged IAF strike in Syria- Jerusalem Post

Channel 2 airs new satellite images showing wreckage caused by reported Israeli attack on weapons convoy.


Suriye Şam Devlet Televizyonu Haberleri Türkçe 06.02.2013- Youtube

Syrian Troops, Rebels Battle for Control of Damascus- VOA

Witnesses say Syrian rebels and government troops fought pitched battles Wednesday inside Damascus, as two suicide bombings killed nearly 20 Syrian security personnel in the ancient city of Palmyra.

Amateur video shows a purported attack on a government position in the Damascus district of Joubar. Activists say this is part of a multi-pronged attack on government forces.

Witnesses inside the capital say the army fought back with artillery, with no clear results reported on either side.

Syria capital Damascus sees heavy Jobar fighting- BBC News

Fierce fighting broke out in the Syrian capital, Damascus, as rebels attacked forces loyal to President Bashar al-Assad, witnesses and rebels said.
Much of the violence was centred around the Jobar district and a key junction on the Damascus ring road.
But it was not clear whether the rebels managed to retain any territory they claimed in battle, and the Syrian army said it too launched an offensive.


Syria's Kurds Try to Balance Security and Alliances- New York Times

ERBIL, IRAQ — Syria’s Kurds have mostly escaped prolonged bouts of direct conflict in the country’s civil war, but with rebel units pushing east toward the resource-rich Kurdish heartland, Kurdish militias proliferating and calls for greater autonomy growing, this may not remain the case.
Last summer, the Democratic Union Party, known by its Kurdish-language acronym P.Y.D., seized control of many towns and villages in the Kurdish majority northeast. The group also holds territory in a few Aleppo neighborhoods and some towns around the city.
The P.Y.D. is the most powerful Kurdish faction in Syria and has a well trained militia. This is perhaps a product of its ties to the Kurdistan Workers’ Party, or P.K.K., a guerrilla group that has been fighting for Kurdish autonomy in Turkey.

Morsi: Syrian rebels must join forces- The National

CAIRO // Syria's fragmented opposition groups must unify if they are to bring about democracy, Egypt's president Mohammed Morsi yesterday told a summit of leaders from Islamic states.

The Syrian civil war was a central issue on the first day of the meeting of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) in Cairo, with Mr Morsi warning that rebel factions should align with the National Coalition, which is recognised by the international community.
They should "coordinate with this coalition and support their efforts for a unified approach", he said.

Read more: http://www.thenational.ae/news/world/middle-east/morsi-syrian-rebels-must-join-forces#ixzz2KANI45w4

Syria conflict: clashes in Damascus - Wednesday 6 February 2013- The Guardian


Şam’a İlişkin Haberlerin Aslı Gerçeği Yoktur- SANA Türkçe

ŞAM – Enformasyon bakanlığından bir kaynak; kanlı medya kanallarının Şam’daki durumlara ilişkin yayınladıkları iddiaların hiç bir aslı yada gerçeği olmadığını belirtti.
Kaynak; bu asılsız iddialardan amacın silahlı kuvvetlerimizin nitelikli operasyonlarıyla sayı ve teçhizatlarında ağır kayıplara uğrayan hain ve kiralık teröristlerin morallerini yükseltme amacı taşıdığını vurguladı.
Teröristlerin kahraman silahlı kuvvetlerimizin sert darbeleri altında ciddi kayıplar verdiklerine dikkat çeken kaynak; Kaide Örgütüne tabi Nusra Cephesi ve diğer terör gruplarının sözcüleri olan dezenformasyon kanalların bu iddialarla teröristlerin başarısızlık ve iflaslarını yansıttığını belirtti.

Wednesday, February 06, 2013

Syrian arrested after Ahmadinejad shoe-attack in Cairo- Russia Today

A Syrian has tried to attack Iranian President Ahmadinejad in front of Al-Hussein mosque in Cairo, Turkey's Anatolia news agency reports. The leader is in the Egyptian capital on a visit.
The video, taken by the news agency’s correspondent, shows a young man shouting at Ahmadinejad and trying to hit the presidents head with a shoe, instead striking one of his bodyguards.
The attacker, who attempted to hit President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad as he left a mosque, is reported to be a young man with “a Syrian accent”. Egyptian security forces managed to seize and arrest the man following the incident.


Başkan Obama’dan İlk Resmi Ziyaret İsrail’e- VOA Türkçe

Beyaz Saray’a göre, Başkan Obama, tarihi açıklanmayan ziyaret çerçevesinde İsrail’den sonra Batı Şeria ve Ürdün’de temaslar yapacak.


Şam-Lazkiye yolundaki çatışma izleri (Hediye Levent- BBC Türkçe)

Şam’dan Lazkiye’ye gidilmesi gerekiyor. Normal şartlarda karayolu ile 3,5, havayolu ile 1 saatte katedilecek yolculuk için günler öncesinden hazırlıklar başlıyor. En önemli sorun nasıl gidileceği. Havayolu mu daha güvenli, karayolu mu?
Şam merkez ile havaalanı arasındaki yaklaşık 15 kilometrelik yol, sık aralıklarla olmasa da aniden çatışmaların yaşanabileceği, rastgele roket atışlarına hedef olunabilecek bir güzergah. Karayolunun daha güvenli olabileceği tavsiyeleri yapılıyor. Kimileri, Şam-Lazkiye yolunun rahat olduğunu, şehirlerarası yolcu otobüslerinin çalıştığını söylüyor. Kimileri ise tedirgin; ancak yine de havaalanına gidilen 15 kilometrelik yolu göze alamıyoruz ve karayolunda karar kılıyoruz.
Bu defa da ne tip bir araba kiralanacağı ve güvenilir bir şoför bulma telaşı başlıyor. Özel araç yerine daha az dikkat çekecek sarı taksi kiralıyoruz. Çünkü kimlik kontrolleri ayrı bir tedirginlik konusu. Şam içinde kimi zaman yarım saati bulabilen kimlik kontrolü süreci şehirlerarası yollarda kim bilir nasıldır? Neyse ki, ticari taksi Şam-Lazkiye arasındaki yolda pek dikkat çekmiyor, ayrıca kadınlara kimlik sorulmuyor. Yabancı bir gazeteci açısından en önemli sorunlardan biri yaşanmamış oluyor.


Tuesday, February 05, 2013

John Kerry enters the stage (Thierry Meyssan- Voltaire.net.)

Hillary Clinton’s departure was carefully orchestrated to preserve her chances of becoming the Democratic Party’s candidate for the next presidential election. The former first lady still contemplates returning to the White House and all the bets are on for a spectacular duel in 2016 between the two political dynasties, with Jeb Bush (GWB’s elder brother) as the other contestant.
Be that as it may, Clinton’s first headed for the Council on Foreign Relations where she presented her report to the country’s ruling class. She evaluated her performance in quantitative terms (number of travel days, number of countries visited, distances, etc.), figures which show that she hasn’t been idle, but which barely camouflage her mediocre achievements. She summed up her tenure in terms that boggle the mind: "Under President Obama’s leadership, we’ve ended the war in Iraq, begun a transition in Afghanistan, and brought Usama bin Ladin to justice (sic). We have also revitalized American diplomacy and strengthened our alliances. And while our economic recovery is not yet complete, we are heading in the right direction. In short, America today is stronger at home and more respected in the world. And our global leadership is on firmer footing than many predicted." Indeed, there is no doubt that the image of the United States has improved compared to the catastrophic Bush Jr years, but this is hardly enough.


Britamgate: Staging False Flag Attacks in Syria- Voltaire.net

On January 22 a telling leak cropped up in the Internet. British defense contractor’s BRITAM server was hacked and megabytes of classified internal files of the firm were released to the public. Now the case is acquiring a Britamgate scale due to the publication on Prison Planet. What is the story behind the leakage? Why this scandal is likely to turn around the situation in Syria?


Syria’s Islamic Front Militias and How They Think about Minorities- Syria Comment

C.J. Chivers of the New York Times in his, A Rebel Commander in Syria Holds the Reins of War, describes the virtues of the veteran commander of al-Tawhid, Mr Saleh, the most powerful rebel leader in Aleppo. He has a record of tactical success and is by all accounts revered by his men.
Chivers explains that “For Western governments, outreach [to men like Saleh] is problematic, in part because of Washington’s policies, which… [are] shaped by fears of Islam.”
Not only are Washington’s policies shaped by fears of Islam, but they are also shaped by support for Israel. Many will hesitate to arm Mr. Saleh because of his enmity toward Israel. In this Arabic video, he insists that after liberating Damascus, Syria’s revolutionaries will liberate Jerusalem.
He conjectures that support for Israel is the principal reason that Washington has refused to arm his militia and destroy Assad. He posits that the US still backs Assad in its desire to protect Israel...


Şimdi ne olacak? (Hüsnü Mahalli- Akşam)

Suriye ile ilgili ilginç gelişmeler oluyor. Suriye muhalefetini temsil eden Muaz Elhatip'in geçen hafta 'Esad ile görüşmeye hazırız' demesiyle bölgede hareketlilik başladı. Önce Rusya Dışişleri Bakanı Lavrov, Elhatip ile Münih'te buluştu ve Moskova'ya davet etti. Peşinden İran Dışişleri Bakanı Salihi, Elhatip ile bir araya geldi ve 'çok önemli ve yararlı görüşmeler yaptıklarını' söyledi. Aynı saatlerde İran Ulusal Güvenlik Konseyi Genel Sekreteri Celili, Şam'da Esad'la görüşüyordu. Münih'te bulunan Dışişleri Bakanı Davutoğlu ise Esad ile görüşmenin işe yaramayacağını tekrarladı. Oysa Elhatip'in muhalefet liderliğine seçilmesinde Ankara önemli rol oynamış ve hatta Başbakan Erdoğan iki hafta önce güney illerine yaptığı gezide Elhatip'i yanında götürmüştü.


Bir saldırının anatomisi (Mehmet Serim- YDH)

YDH-Şam’daki gazeteci arkadaşımız Mehmet Serim, İsrail’in Suriye’ye yönelik son saldırısını neden-sonuç ilişkileri ve muhtemel senaryoları ile analiz etti.
Önce basında yer aldığı şekli ile olayı hatırlayalım: 29 Ocak Salı günü ajanslar, “İsrail jetlerinin Suriye-Lübnan sınırında bir Suriye konvoyunu vurduğu” haberlerini geçti.
Haberlere göre, İsrail jetleri Lübnan hava sahasını ihlal ederek Lübnan-Suriye sınırında “Hizbullah’a füze taşıyan” Suriye askeri konvoyunu vurdu. Kimi kaynaklar konvoyun Lübnan içinde, kimisi de Suriye içinde vurulduğunu öne sürdü.
Bir gün sonra öğle saatlerinde ise “İsrail jetlerinin başkent Şam’daki Cimraya Bilimsel Araştırmalar Merkezi’ni vurduğu” haberleri yayıldı.


Syria News 5.2.2013, Minister of Defense: Syrian Army Strong, Syria Will Remain United- Youtube

Monday, February 04, 2013

Haftanın Raporu: İsrail saldırısı ve Doha Koalisyonu’nda kırılma (Alptekin Dursunoğlu- YDH)

YDH-Bölgedeki tepki düzeyi, İsrail’i yeni saldırılara cesaretlendirirken, Muaz el-Hatib’in Şam’a diyalog eli uzatması, Münih’te ABD’den siyasi çözüme dümen kırma mesajı aldığını gösteriyor.
İsrail savaş uçaklarının 30 Ocak’ta Suriye’ye ait Camraya bilimsel araştırma merkezini bombalaması, geçtiğimiz haftanın en önemli bölgesel gelişmesi oldu.
Suriye’nin saldırının Şam’daki bilimsel araştırma merkezine yapıldığını açıklamasından birkaç saat önce Batılı haber ajansları, İsrail savaş uçaklarının Lübnan Suriye sınırının sıfır noktasında bir araç konvoyunu vurduğunu duyurmuştu.
İsrailli bir istihbarat yetkilisi ise Times gazetesine yaptığı açıklamada, Suriye'de düzenlenen hava saldırısında, Lübnan'da Hizbullah'a uçaksavar füzeleri ve insansız hava araçlarının GPS sistemlerini devre dışı bırakacak elektronik sistemlerini taşıyan konvoyun vurulduğunu öne sürmüştü.


Saturday, February 02, 2013

FSA and Israel attack Syrian research center- Voltaire.net

Western media relayed disinformation by Israeli sources announcing that their army had attacked a Syrian military convoy transporting weapons to Hezbollah in Lebanon. According to the press articles, Sam-7 missiles or chemical weapons ready for deployment were allegedly part of the shipment.
In fact, the Israeli Air Force bombed a research center located in Jemraya in the suburbs of Damascus, on Wednesday afternoon, January 30, 2013. There were no Sam-7’s or chemical weapons housed at the center. Indeed, the destruction of Sam-7 missiles would have set off explosions visible from the capital. As for the destruction of chemical weapons ready for use (that is to say whose components have already been mixed) would have caused a disaster.
