"And I have found both freedom and safety in my madness, the freedom of loneliness and the safety from being understood, for those who understand us enslave something in us. But let me not be too proud of my safety. Even a Thief in a jail is safe from another thief. "

Khalil Gibran (How I Became a Madman)

Lübnan Marunîleri / Yasin Atlıoğlu


Wednesday, September 07, 2016

Turkey's Operation in Syria: 'Benefits Both Russia, US'- Sputnik News

Turkey's direct entrance into the Syrian military conflict is of benefit to both Russia and the US: the opening of a northern front creates an opportunity for the US-backed rebels to re-group, while their retreat from Aleppo left the city to the government forces, backed by Russia, according to France 24's specialist in jihadist movements.