"And I have found both freedom and safety in my madness, the freedom of loneliness and the safety from being understood, for those who understand us enslave something in us. But let me not be too proud of my safety. Even a Thief in a jail is safe from another thief. "

Khalil Gibran (How I Became a Madman)

Lübnan Marunîleri / Yasin Atlıoğlu


Wednesday, May 20, 2015

ISIS Captures the Northern Sector of Ancient Palmyra- Al-Masdar News

The Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham (ISIS) has launched another powerful assault on the ancient Syrian city of Palmyra (Tadmur), just three days after the Syrian Arab Army’s 18th Tank Battalion and the National Defense Forces recaptured all points seized by the enemy combatants within the city’s parameters.
As dawn approached on Wednesday morning, ISIS stormed the northern perimeter of Al-‘Amuriyah, where they were able to penetrate into the village and seize control of large swaths of territory after engaging the National Defense Forces in a series of violent firefights that eventually resulted in the militant group capturing the entire area.