"And I have found both freedom and safety in my madness, the freedom of loneliness and the safety from being understood, for those who understand us enslave something in us. But let me not be too proud of my safety. Even a Thief in a jail is safe from another thief. "

Khalil Gibran (How I Became a Madman)

Lübnan Marunîleri / Yasin Atlıoğlu


Sunday, October 07, 2012

Army Units Kill Terrorists and Destroy DShK-equipped Cars in Several Areas, Terrorist Group Attacks Mourners in Homs- SANA

PROVINCES, (SANA)_The Syrian Arab Army on Saturday destroyed 2 DShK-equipped cars and 7 Mercedes automobiles, killed a number of terrorists, among them 4 Turks at al-Isharat neighborhood in Bustan al-Qasr in Aleppo city.
Meanwhile, a unit of the army destroyed 3 DShK-equipped cars, killed terrorists in qualitative operations targeting the sites of mercenaries in al-Fadous, al-Urouba Club in Bustan al-Basha and al-Sheikh Khudr.
A unit of the Army destroyed 6 DShK-equipped cars, killed terrorists at al-Kroum neighborhood on the Airport way.
A source in Aleppo told SANA reporter that another army unit clashed with an armed terrorist group that was terrifying the families in al-Sheikh Said, killing a number of terrorists.
The Armed Forces targeted terrorists' gatherings in the areas of Sheikh Said, Bustan al-Basha, Beedein roundabout, al-Marja roundabout and Qadi Askar roundabout in Aleppo city, killing and wounding dozens of the mercenary terrorists.
A truck loaded with weapons and ammunition was destroyed near al-Othmanyeh Mosque in al-Farafira area in Aleppo...
