"And I have found both freedom and safety in my madness, the freedom of loneliness and the safety from being understood, for those who understand us enslave something in us. But let me not be too proud of my safety. Even a Thief in a jail is safe from another thief. "

Khalil Gibran (How I Became a Madman)

Lübnan Marunîleri / Yasin Atlıoğlu


Sunday, January 21, 2018

Turkey to hand over Afrin to Syrian army once Kurds defeated- Gulf News

London: Russia gave Turkey the greenlight to attack Kurdish-controlled enclaves in northern Syria on the condition that those areas be handed over to the Syrian army once the Kurds were defeated, a source in Turkey’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs told Gulf News on the condition of anonymity.

During the meeting that took place two days before the operation began, Russia agreed to evacuate its military personnel from the Menagh airbase, which was assaulted by Turkish fighter jets on Saturday.

The revelation has sparked speculation that the operation’s peculiar name —Operation Olive Branch — is in fact meant for the Syrian government.

Those who help Kurdish fighters in Afrin will become Turkey’s targets – PM Yildirim- RT

Any party which provides logistical support to YPG militants in the Afrin region will become a target of Turkey’s military, Prime Minister Binali Yildirim has warned.

When asked what would happen if the US provided logistical support to the Kurdish Peoples’s Protection Units (YPG), Yildirim stated that any party providing such support would be added to “Turkey’s targets.” The comment was made during a Sunday meeting between the prime minister and journalists in Istanbul, Hurriyet reported

Booby-Trapped Blast Kills 3 SDF Commanders in Northern Syria- Fars News Agency

TEHRAN (FNA)- Three field commanders of the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) were killed after a bomb planted in their car went off in the town of Manbij amid intensified unrest in Northeastern Aleppo, local sources said on Sunday.

Syrian military encircle Jabhat Al-Nusra's big grouping- TASS

MOSCOW, January 21. /TASS/. The Syrian military and militia encircled a big grouping of the Jabhat Al-Nusra terrorist organization (outlawed in Russia - TASS) in eastern Idlib, and liberated from militants the Abu Duhur airport, Russia’s Defense Ministry reported on Sunday.

"Assault troops of the Syrian governmental forces under command of General Hassan Suhel, while advancing along the road connecting Hama and Aleppo, joined the militia units near Herbet al Ghajar and Rasm al Harmal," the ministry said. "Thus, they have completed encirclement of a large group of terrorist belonging to the terrorist organization Jabhat Al-Nusra in the eastern part of the Idlib Province."

Besides, the ministry said, during the assault, the Syrian military repelled militants from the Abu Duhur airport, which had been under the terrorists’ control since September 2015.

Earlier reports said the militants’ defense was broken after fierce battles, the terrorists were knocked out of seven villages located in the airfield’s vicinity. Three years earlier, Abu Duhur was the Syrian army’s last stronghold in that northwestern region. The bandits continued the siege for six months.

Zeytin Dalı Harekatı'nda 2. gün: TSK 32 uçak ile 45 hedefi imha etti- Sputnik News

TSK'nın dün havadan başlattığı Zeytin Dalı Harekatı ikinci gününde devam ediyor. İstanbul'da gazetecilerle bir araya gelen Başbakan Binali Yıldırım, Türk askerinin saat 11.05'te Kilis'in Gülbaba mevkiinden Suriye'ye geçerek kara harekatını başlattığını açıkladı.
DHA, Azez'de 2:30 sularında ÖSO ile YPG arasında çatışma çıktığını duyurdu. DHA'nın ÖSO gruplarından Ceyşul Şimal'dan edindiği bilgilere göre, ÖSO'ya bağlı bazı gruplar Bursayye cephesinde harekete geçti.
ABD Savunma Bakanı Mattis, "Türkiye'nin meşru güvenlik endişeleri var. Hava saldırısı yapmadan önce bunu yapacaklarına dair bizi uyardılar” açıklamasında bulundu.
DHA'nın aktardığına göre, Afrin'e başlatılan Zeytin Dalı Harekatı kapsamında, saat 01:00 sularında Hatay'ın Hassa ilçesinde konuşlu bulunan birliklerce, YPG hedefleri obüslerle vurulmaya başlandı.

Kilis'e roket düştü- Anadolu Ajanası

Alınan ilk bilgiye göre, Ekrem Çetin Mahallesi'nde saat 01.40 civarında Suriye tarafından birkaç dakika arayla ateşlendiği belirtilen roketler, iki ev ve bir iş yerine isabet etti. Ahmet Rasim Mahallesi'nde ise boş bir alana roket düştü.
Can kaybının meydana gelmediği olayda yüzüne cam parçaları isabet eden bir kişi hafif yaralandı. Ambulansla Kilis Devlet Hastanesine kaldırılan yaralı, ayakta tedavi edildi. 

Sınırdaki bazı alanlar 15 gün boyunca özel güvenlik bölgesi- Anadolu Ajansı

Kilis'te, Suriye sınırındaki bazı alanlar 15 gün boyunca özel güvenlik bölgesi olarak belirlendi.

Kilis Valiliğinden yapılan açıklamada, Türk Silahlı Kuvvetlerince (TSK), hudut güvenliği ve bölgede istikrarı sağlamak maksadıyla, Suriye’nin kuzeybatısında Afrin bölgesinde, PKK/KCK/PYD-YPG ve DEAŞ’a mensup teröristleri etkisiz hale getirmek, dost ve kardeş bölge halkını bunların baskı ve zulmünden kurtarmak üzere Zeytin Dalı Harekatı başlatıldığı hatırlatıldı.
Bu kapsamda, muhtemel terör olaylarının önlenmesi, örgüt mensuplarının etkisiz hale getirilmesi, kamu güvenliği ve esenliğinin korunması maksadıyla bazı kararlar alındığına değinilen açıklamada, şunlar kaydedildi:
"Kilis'in merkez ilçe mülki sınırları içerisinde yer alan Akçabağlar, Demirışık, Doğançay, Tahtalı, Duruca, Beşenli Köyü ile Aşağı ve Yamaç mezraları, Hacipoğlu, Süngütepe, Kocabeyli, Saatli, Güneşli, Mağaracık, Çalkaya, Bulamaçlı, Gözkaya, Gülbaba, Çerçili, Hisarköy, Deliosman köylerinde ve kırsalında, Zeytin Dalı Harekatı'na karşı olası terörist eylemlerden doğabilecek zararlardan vatandaşlarımızı korumak ve söz konusu terörist faaliyetlere karşı gerçekleştirilebilecek önleme harekatlarının selameti bakımından 20 Ocak Cumartesi günü saat 24.00’ten itibaren 3 Şubat Cumartesi günü saat 17.00’ye kadar olmak üzere 15 gün özel güvenlik bölgesi ilan edilmiştir. Söz konusu bölgede yerleşik olan vatandaşlarımız haricinde belirtilen süre içerisinde özel güvenlik bölgesine giriş, kolluk makamlarınca verilmiş izinler dışında yasaklanmıştır."

Saturday, January 20, 2018

US Arms Supplies to Loyal Groups in Syria Led to Turkish Op - Russian MoD- Sputnik News

The Russian Army Command in Syria is undertaking security measures for personnel present in Afrin, after the launch of the Turkish military operation against Kurdish forces.
The Russian Ministry of Defense stated that the Pentagon's arms supplies to US-backed groups in Syria triggered Turkey's military operation in Afrin and undermined the peace process.

Afrin'e Zeytin Dalı Harekatı- Euro News

Binali Yıldırım Afrin'e hava harekatının başladığını söyledi.

Türk savaş uçakları, PYD/PKK'nın işgalindeki Minniğ askeri havaalanını vurdu - AA

Rusya Savunma Bakanlığı'ndan "Rus askerlerinin güvenliğinin sağlanması amacıyla Afrin’deki Rus askerleri Tel Rıfat’a sevk edildi" açıklaması yapıldı. 

Bir Rus milletvekili Moskova'nın Türkiye'nin askeri operasyonlarını durdurması için BM nezdinde Suriye'ye diplomatik destek sağlayacaklarını söyledi. RIA haber ajansına konuşan milletvekili, "Bu operasyonları durdurma talebi sadece Suriye'den gelmeyecek. Rusya bu talebi destekleyecek ve Suriye'ye diplomatik destek verecek." dedi.

ABD, İran ve Rusya'nın Ankara'daki büyükelçilik misyon şeflerinin Dışişleri Bakanlığına çağrılarak Afrin bağlamındaki son gelişmeler hakkında bilgilendirildiği belirtildi.

    Erdogan Says Operation in Syria's Afrin De-Facto Started On The Ground- Sputnik News

    Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has confirmed that an operation in Syria's Afrin has de-facto started on the ground.
    "The Afrin operation has de-facto been started on the ground," Erdogan said in a televised speech, adding that "this will be followed by Manbij," referring to another Kurdish-controlled Syrian town.
    Following Erdogan's speech, a senior Turkish official told Reuters that after Afrin, the Turkish military would free nearby Manbij with the aim to rebuild social and economic infrastructure in the region.
    The day before, Turkish Defense Minister Nurettin Canikli said in an interview with the Haberturk broadcaster that an operation in Afrin had "de-facto" started with cross-border shelling.

    Erdoğan: Afrin operasyonu sahada fiilen başlamıştır, bunu Münbiç takip edecek- BBC News

    Cumhurbaşkanı Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, Suriye'nin kuzeyinde kontrolü 2012 yılından bu yana Kürtlerin elinde olan Afrin'e yönelik operasyonun sahada fiilen başladığını söyledi.
    Kütahya'da Adalet ve Kalkınma Partisi'nin İlk Kongresi'nde bir konuşma yapan Erdoğan, Afrin'i Menbiç operasyonunun takip edeceğini vurguladı.
    Erdoğan, "Madem Münbiç'te bize verilen sözler şu ana kadar yerine getirilmedi, bunun gereğini yapmamıza kimsenin söyleyecek sözü olamaz" diye konuştu.
    Cumhurbaşkanı'nın geçen hafta Cumartesi günü Elazığ'daki konuşmasında verdiği bir haftalık süre doldu. Erdoğan, Elazığ konuşmasında, "Afrin'de "teröristler teslim olmazsa orayı başlarını yıkacağız. Münbiç'te bize verilen sözler yerine getirilmezse kendi göbeğimizi keseceğiz. Bir haftaya kalmaz ne yapacağımızı görecekler" demişti.

    Syrian Army Enters Abu Duhur Airbase In South Idlib- Muraselon

    On Saturday ,The government troops resume its missions in the southern countryside of Idlib, aiming to advance north towards the years-lasting airbase of Abu al-Duhur.
    Military War Media said that the Syrian Army – Tiger forces –  launched an offensive toward Abu al-Duhur airbase from the south axis with heavy clashes against HTS militants .
    The source confirmed that the Syrian troops already entered to the Abu al-Duhur airbase , clashed with HTS militants inside the airbase .
    The Syrian Army unites were able to recapture some villages in the Southwest axis of the Abu al-Duhur airbase which were lost during the last HTS offensive in south Idlibe countryside

    Friday, January 19, 2018

    China May Be the Biggest Winner of All If Assad Takes Over Syria- Newsweek

    Russia's bombardment of Syrian rebel positions and open backing of the Bashar al-Assad government in Syria meant that Moscow's role in the six-year civil war got most of the limelight in 2017. But the turnaround in Assad's fortunes in Syria was also made possible by a lesser-known sponsor: China. 
    China's rise on the global stage is nothing new, but October's Communist Party Congress shed light on just how powerful Chinese President Xi Jinping has become. Xi has committed extensive resources toward reforming China's military and developed its historic trade routes across Asia, the Middle East, Africa and Europe. And in both of those endeavors, Assad's comeback in Syria has had benefits for Beijing.

    Lavrov: Rus askerlerin Afrin’den çekildiklerine yönelik haberler yalanlandı- Sputnik News

    Lavrov, Rus askerlerin Afrin'den çekildiklerine yönelik haberleri yalanladı.

    Rusya Dışişleri Bakanı Sergey Lavrov, Rus askerlerin Afrin’den çekildiklerine yönelik haberleri yalanladı.
    Lavrov, Rus askerlerin Afrin’den çekildiklerine yönelik haberlerin gerçeği yansıtmadığını söyledi.
    ‘Rusya’nın Afrin’deki silahlı kuvvetlerini gerçekten çekmeye başladı mı?’ sorusuna yanıt olarak Lavrov, “Bu yöndeki haberler daha sonra yalanlandı” ifadelerini kullandı.

    ÖSO, Kilis'ten otobüslerle sınırı geçti- Sputnik News

    Özgür Suriye Ordusu (ÖSO), otobüslerle Suriye tarafına taşındı. Sınırdan geçen yaklaşık 20 otobüs, Azez'e doğru ilerledi.
    ÖSO mensuplarının bulunduğu yaklaşık 20 otobüs, Öncüpınar Sınır Kapısı'ndan geçerek Azez'e ilerledi.
    Afrin'e yönelik olası bir harekatta önce topçu birliklerinin yoğun bombardıman ile arazi temizliği yapacağı, ardından ÖSO, daha sonra TSK'ya bağlı zırhlı birliklerin Suriye'ye gireceği belirtilmişti.

    Thursday, January 18, 2018

    ABD’den 'Afrin’e Operasyon Yapmayın' Çağrısı- VOA Türkçe

    ABD Dışişleri Bakanlığı, Türkiye’yi Afrin’e operasyon düzenlememesi için çağrıda bulundu.

    Bakanlık Sözcüsü Heather Nauert, günlük basın toplantısında, kendisine, Türkiye’nin Afrin’e olası operasyon hazırlıklarının sorulması üzerine, “Operasyon düzenlenip-düzenlenmeyeceğini elbette bilmiyorum. Türkleri bu tür bir adım atmaktan kaçınmaya çağırıyoruz” dedi.

    Nauert, herkesten “dikkatlerini IŞİD’e vermelerini” istediklerini vurgulayarak, “Dolayısıyla şiddete başvurulmamasını ve IŞİD’e odaklanmaya devam edilmesini istiyoruz” ifadesini kullandı.

    Şoygu, Akar ve Fidan'la görüştü- Sputnik News

    Rusya Savunma Bakanı Sergey Şoygu'nun Moskova'ya giden Genelkurmay Başkanı Hulusi Akar ve MİT Müsteşarı Hakan Fidan'la bir araya geldiği belirtildi.

    Rusya Savunma Bakanlığı'ndan yapılan açıklamaya göre Bakan Şoygu, Akar ve Fidan'la yaptığı görüşmede Ortadoğu'daki durumu ve diğer güncel konuları ele aldı. Bakanlık, görüşmenin yapıcı geçtiğini belirtti.
    Akar ve Fidan, bugün Suriye gündemiyle Moskova'ya gitmişti.

    Turkey Says It Will Coordinate Military Operation In Afrin With Iran And Russia- South Front

    Turkey will coordinate its air operation against Kurdish militias in Syria’s Afrin with Iran and Russia, the country’s foreign minister Mevlut Cavusoglu told CNN Turk on January 18. The minister added that Moscow should not oppose the opeartion and Ankara will coordinate on the situation of Russian observers in the area.
    Meanwhile, Turkish Chief of General Staff Gen. Hulusi Akar and National Intelligence Organization (MİT) Undersecretary Hakan Fidan departed for Moscow for talks on Syria with Russian Chief of General Staff Gen. Valery Gerasimov and other officials.

    Wednesday, January 17, 2018

    Turkey says could act in Syria unless U.S. withdraws support for Kurdish force- Reuters

    HATAY, Turkey (Reuters) - Turkey said on Wednesday it would not hesitate to take action in Syria’s Afrin district and other areas unless the United States withdrew support for a Kurdish-led force there, but Washington denied such plans and said “some people misspoke”.

    Turkish President Erdogan has repeatedly warned of an imminent incursion in Afrin after Washington said it would help the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), led by the Kurdish YPG militia, set up a new 30,000-strong border force.

    Jolani Urges Rebels to 'Close Ranks' against Regime- Naharnet

    The head of Syria's leading jihadist alliance called on rebels Tuesday to "close ranks" to fend off a Russian-backed government offensive in the country's northwest.
    It was Abu Mohamed al-Jolani's first audio recording since Russia claimed in October to have carried out an air strike that left the Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) commander in a coma.
    Moscow is now backing a weeks-long assault by Syrian troops on HTS's stronghold in the northwest province of Idlib, and Jolani on Tuesday appealed to the fragmented rebel movement to unite against it. 
    "For 100 days, we have been fighting one of the fiercest battles on all levels," Jolani said in an audio statement released by HTS media.
    Some opposition factions have long refrained from fighting alongside HTS, most recently because of a "de-escalation" agreement in areas including Idlib that was brokered by world powers in Astana last year.

    Syrian Army launches big assault just north of Abu Dhuhour Airport- Al-Masdar News

    BEIRUT, LEBANON (7:15 P.M.) – The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) launched a big assault in the southern countryside of Aleppo this morning, targeting the last towns and hilltops located just north of the Abu Dhuhour Military Airport.
    Backed by heavy artillery, the Syrian Arab Army’s 124th Brigade of the Republican Guard began today’s attack by storming the small towns of Al-Jafra, ‘Anadan Al-Sheikh, and Abu Mujaher.

    ‘ABD’nin YPG’ye hava savunma füzeleri vermesi Suriye, Rus ve Türk orduları için tehdit’- Sputnik News

    Rus askeri uzman Sivkov, ABD’nin YPG’ye 'taşınabilir hava savunma füzeleri' (MANPAD) tedarik etmesinin Suriye, Rusya ve Türkiye orduları için tehdit olduğunu belirtti.
    Rusya Füze ve Topçu Akademisi'nden Konstantin Sivkov, Sputnik'e açıklamasında, "ABD, her ne pahasına olursa olsun Suriye'de kalmak istiyor. Siyasi ve coğrafi olarak tek dayanak noktaları, işbirliği yaptıkları ve özerklik iddiası olan Kürt birlikler. ABD, yavaş yavaş onları, Iraklı Kürtler ile birleşerek bağımsız devlet kurmaları yönünde itiyor. Senaryo, görünüşe bakılırsa bu" ifadelerini kullandı.

    Tuesday, January 16, 2018

    Afrin operasyonu öncesi tanklar sınıra konuşlandırıldı- Sputnik News

    Afrin operasyonu öncesinde sınırda hareketlilik devam ediyor. TSK'nın 10 tankı sınıra konuşlandırıldı.

    Gazete Habertürk'ten Çetiner Çetin'in aktardığına göre, tanklar Afrin karşısındaki Hassa'da konuşlandırıldı.
    Tank sevkiyatının gün boyu süreceği belirtildi.
    Cumhurbaşkanı Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, olası bir Afrin operasyonunun Suriyeli muhaliflerle yapılacağını söylemişti. Erdoğan, operasyonla ilgili ABD Başkanı Donald Trump'ı aramayı düşünmediğini ifade etmişti.

    Large number of Syrian Army reinforcements sent to Idlib- Al-Masdar News

    BEIRUT, LEBANON (12:45 A.M.) – A large number of reinforcements from the Syrian Arab Army’s (SAA) elite Tiger Forces have been sent to the southern countryside of the Idlib to aid with the ongoing offensive against the jihadist rebel forces.
    According to a military source, the Al-Komeet Group of the Tiger Forces have been redeployed to the southern countryside of Idlib, where they will join up with the other regiments of this division.

    Monday, January 15, 2018

    Bassil Meets New Saudi Ambassador- Naharnet

    Foreign Minister Jebran Bassil held talks with the Saudi ambassador to Lebanon Walid al-Yaacoub on Monday, one day after remarks urging diplomats “not to interfere in Lebanon's politics or parliamentary elections,” the National News Agency reported.
    Bassil, who met Yaacoub at his office in the foreign ministry, received an invitation to a meeting of the the Organization of Islamic Cooperation to be held in Saudi Arabia, said NNA.
    On Sunday, the Free Patriotic Movement chief, Bassil, warned of "foreign attempts" to meddle in the upcoming parliamentary elections.
    "I warn against the interference of foreign forces in our affairs and I caution all those who work in the diplomatic field to know their limits and abide by diplomatic norms and international conventions," Bassil had said.

    Suriye: ABD'nin silahlı milis grubu kurma planı, toprak bütünlüğümüze yönelik açık bir saldırı- Stupnik News

    ABD öncülüğündeki uluslararası koalisyonun Suriye'nin kuzeyinde 30.000 kişilik 'sınır güvenlik gücü' kurma planına Suriye Dışişleri Bakanlığı tepki gösterdi. Bakanlık bu adımı 'Suriye'nin egemenliğine ve toprak bütünlüğüne yönelik açık bir saldırı' olarak nitelendirdi.

    Suriye resmi haber ajansı SANA'nın aktardığına göre, bakanlıktan yapılan açıklamada, "Suriye, ABD'nin ülkenin kuzeydoğusunda bir silahlı milis grubu kurma kararını kararlılıkla kınıyor. Bu adım, Suriye'nin egemenliğine ve toprak bütünlüğüne yönelik açık bir saldırı" dendi.
    Bakanlık bu adımın 'uluslararası hukukun ciddi bir ihlali" olduğunu da belirtti.

    2017'deki Rus diplomasisini değerlendiren Lavrov: ABD'nin 'Sınır Güvenlik Güçleri', Suriye'nin bölünmesine sebep olabilir- Sputnik News

    Rusya Dışişleri Bakanı Lavrov, Suriye krizine ağırlık verdi. ABD'nin Suriye'de 'Sınır Güvenlik Güçleri' kurma kararını eleştiren Lavrov, bunun Suriye'nin bölünmesine yol açabileceği konusunda uyardı. Türkiye'ye İdlib'de gözlem noktaları yerleştirme sürecini hızlandırma çağrısı yapan Lavrov, Afrin'de de ateşkesin gerekliliğine dikkat çekti.

    Russia may ‘undertake measures’ after US decision on border force in Syria- Al-Masdar News

    Russia and its partners will undertake measures as a response to the US-led coalition’s decision to create the so-called “Border Security Force” on the Syrian territory controlled by the Syrian Democratic Forces militia, Chairman of the Defense Committee of Russia’s State Duma Vladimir Shamanov told Sputnik on Sunday.
    On Saturday, the Defense Post news website published an article, in which the spokesman of the US-led coalition fighting against the Islamic State (Daesh) terrorist group said that the coalition was engaged in a training of a 30,000-strong force on the territory within Syria currently controlled by SDF to maintain security in controlled area along the Syrian border.

    ISIS Advances In Southern Damascus, Captures More Positions Inside Yarmouk Camp- South Front

    On January 14, ISIS fighters captured several buildings in the eastern part of the Yarmouk refugee camp south of the Syrian capital, Damascus, including the headquarters of the Palestine Charity Organization and Abd al-Qader al-Hussine school, according to the ISIS-linked news agency Amaq.
    Amaq said that ISIS fighters killed five members of Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) and its allies and captured three others during their advance.
    Syrian oppositions sources confirmed the ISIS advanc and said that over 70% of the Yarmouk camp is now under the control of the terrorist organization.

    Saturday, January 13, 2018

    Deir Ezzor committee prepares for residents’ return to eastern countryside of province after expelling Daesh- SANA

    Deir Ezzor, SANA – The committee for the return of displaced people in Deir Ezzor confirmed that the authorities and the technical and engineering teams completed their work in clearing the eastern countryside of Deir Ezzor from landmines and IEDs, in addition to inspecting houses to assess their habitability in light of the damage they sustained at the hands of Daesh (ISIS)terrorist organization.

    Deir Ezzor Governor Mohammad Ibrahim Samarah said that starting from next Tuesday, the residents of the eastern countryside will start to return to their homes and villages, and this includes both those who are living in temporary accommodation centers or residing inother provinces.

    Turkish security forces hit PKK/PYD targets in Syria's Aleppo province in anti-terror ops- Daily Sabah

    Turkish security forces on Saturday hit several PKK/PYD targets in the Afrin district of Syria's Aleppo province to prevent a "terror corridor" from forming along Turkey's borders.
    According to information gathered by Anadolu Agency in Idlib, Turkish artillery units hit PKK/PYD forces from the Reyhanlı and Kırıkhan dictricts of Turkey's southern province Hatay and a Turkish Armed Forces observation point in Idlib.
    Turkish Armed Forces fired at least 36 times during the artillery bombardment in Afrin's Bosoufane, Cindirese, Deir Bellout and Rajo districts.
    The Afrin operation follows Turkey's successful seven-month Operation Euphrates Shield, which ended last March.
    The PKK/PYD is the Syrian offshoot of the PKK, which is listed as a terrorist organization by Turkey, the U.S. and EU.

    Erdogan says Turkey will crush Kurdish militia in Afrin- Reuters

    President Tayyip Erdogan said on Saturday that Turkey’s military incursion in northern Syria’s Idlib province would crush Kurdish militia forces that control the neighboring region of Afrin.

    The Kurdish YPG militia said Turkish forces inside Syria fired shells into Afrin on Saturday, but no one was wounded.

    Turkish troops entered Idlib three months ago after an agreement with Russia and Iran for the three countries to try to reduce fighting between pro-Syrian government forces and rebel fighters in the largest remaining insurgent-held part of Syria.

    Entire Al-Nusra military convoy including car bomb blown sky-high by Russian airstrike in east Idlib- Al-Masdar News

    BEIRUT, LEBANON (3:00 P.M.) – The Russian Aerospace Forces have carried out a huge airstrike in the eastern countryside of Syria’s Idlib province. The bombing destroyed an entire military convoy belonging to the Ha’yat Tahrir al-Sham (formerly Jabhat al-Nusra, the Syrian branch of Al-Qaeda) terrorist group.
    On Friday night at 11 P.M., the town of Khan As-Subul in eastern Idlib was rocked when a convoy of Al-Qaeda-affiliated militants and their heavy weapons passing through it were hit by as series of precision strikes from Russian warplanes.

    Government Forces Turn Militants Back In Southern Aleppo- South Front

    The Hezbollah media wing in Syria has released a video showing a Syrian Army advance on positions of Hayat Tahrir al-Sham in southern Aleppo on January 12. On that day, the Syrian Army and its allies captured a large area in southern Aleppo including the villages of Umm Ankash, Jubb Intash Fawqani, Burj Hussain Daher, Tell Sum’a, Jubb Intash Tahtani and others.

    TSK, Afrin'deki PYD mevzilerini vurdu- Sputnik News

    Türk Silahlı Kuvvetleri (TSK), Hatay'ın Reyhanlı ilçesindeki Oğulpınar Sınır Karakolu'ndan PYD'nin kontrolünde bulunan Suriye'nin Afrin kentindeki mevzileri top atışıyla vurdu.
    Türk Silahlı Kuvvetleri (TSK), Suriye'de PYD'nin bulunduğu Afrin'deki noktalara yoğun topçu atışı yaptı.
    TSK birlikleri, öğle saatlerinden itibaren Afrin'in Basufan, Cinderes, Deyr Bellıt ve Raco bölgelerine en az 36 atış yaptı.

    Intense Fighting Near Abu al-Duhur Airbase, Hayat Tahrir al-Sham Attacks Musharifah- South Front

    Clashes are ongoing between the Tiger Forces and Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (formerly Jabhat al-Nusra, the Syrian branch of al-Qaeda) in the vicinity of the Abu al-Duhur Airbase. On January 12, the Syrian Army and its allies outflanked the airbase from the eastern direction but was not able to develop the momentum further.
    Separately, the army has allegedly repelled an attack of Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) and its allies south of the Abu al-Duhur Airbase, near the village of Sinjar, according to pro-govrnment sources. Pro-militant sources say that the fighting is still ongoing in the area.
    Government forces have also re-established control over the villages of Hamidiyat ash Shadad, Aljakia and  Hamidiyat.

    'TSK, Afrin kuşatması için hazır'- Sputnik News

    Türk Silahlı Kuvvetleri (TSK), İdlib'de 4. gözlem noktasını oluşturuyor. Bu gözlem noktası ile birlikte TSK'nın olası bir Afrin operasyonu için hazır duruma geldiği, siyasi kararın alınmasının ardından operasyonun zaman kaybetmeden başlayacağı belirtiliyor.

    Habertürk'ten Murat Gürgen'in haberine göre, İdlib’de çatışmaların başlaması üzerine Türkiye, Fırat Kalkanı ile başlattığı harekatı genişletmeyi gündemine aldı. 
    Bu çerçevede, 17 Ocak’ta toplanacak Milli Güvenlik Kurulu (MGK) kritik önem taşıyor. TSK, İdlib’deki birliklerini bölgeye hafta başında ulaşan konvoylarla takviye etti ve 4. gözlem noktasını kurma aşamasına geldi.  Böylece Afrin kuşatma altına alındı. TSK, Afrin’e yönelik operasyonu siyasi karar alındığı anda zaman kaybetmeden başlatmaya yönelik hazırlıklarını tamamladı.
    MGK toplantısı, Cumhurbaşkanı Erdoğan başkanlığında 17 Ocak'ta saat 15.00'te Cumhurbaşkanlığı Külliyesi'nde gerçekleştirilecek. Ocak ayı olağan toplantısında, iç ve dış gelişmeler ele alınacak.

    Friday, January 12, 2018

    Turkey: Offensive in Syria's Idlib Will Cause New Migration Wave- VOA

    Increased attacks in Syria's rebel-held Idlib province will spark a new wave of migration, Turkish Prime Minister Binali Yildirim said on Friday, calling on Russia and Iran to rein in a Syrian army offensive near Turkey's southern border.

    The Syrian government offensive supported by Iran-backed militia has gathered pace and displaced tens of thousands of people since November, according to the United Nations.

    Turkey, which opposes Syrian President Bashar al-Assad but has been working with his allies Iran and Russia to reduce the fighting in Idlib, says the latest army assault could not have taken place without Tehran and Moscow's support.

    Al-Rahi from Baabda: Seniority Decree Doesn't Need Finance Minister Signature- Naharnet

    Maronite Patriarch Beshara al-Rahi on Friday supported President Michel Aoun's stance on a disputed decree that has sparked an unprecedented spat with Speaker Nabih Berri.
    “The seniority decree is not related to finance... whereas the promotions decree entails financial obligations and requires the finance minister's signature,” said al-Rahi after talks with Aoun in Baabda.
    “If there are good intentions, the problem can be solved in one meeting. This is what we are hoping for, because people and the country do not bear disputes and procrastination amid the pressing social and economic situations,” the patriarch added.
    The Aoun-Berri spat broke out after the president and the premier signed a decree granting one-year seniority to a number of officers. Berri and Finance Minister Ali Hassan Khalil have insisted that the decree should have also carried the finance minister's signature.

    Mustaqbal Calls on Jumblat to 'Correct His Stance' on Saudi Arabia- Naharnet

    Al-Mustaqbal Movement on Friday voiced “regret” over MP Walid Jumblat's latest remarks on Saudi Arabia, calling on him to “correct his stance.”
    “Al-Mustaqbal Movement regrets the style and content of Mr. Walid Jumblat's rhetoric towards the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia during his interview two days ago on Future TV,” the movement said in a statement.
    “This approach is not compatible with his history, the history of the Progressive Socialist Party and his personal relation with a brotherly country that has always stood by Lebanon and its causes,” Mustaqbal added.
    And stressing the need for “all Lebanese forces to refrain from attacking or insulting brotherly countries in a manner that might jeopardize Lebanon's vital interests and the soundness of its ties with its Arab neighborhood,” the movement said it “calls on Mr. Jumblat to correct his latest stance on KSA and its leadership.”
    Slamming the Saudi-led war in Yemen as “absurd,” Jumblat warned in his interview that “no one can win in Yemen,” describing the war-torn country as “the Afghanistan of the Arab world.”

    Syrian War Report – January 12, 2018: Militants’ Counter-Attack In Southern Idlib Ends In Disaster- South Front

    On January 11, so-called “moderate opposition” groups operating in Idlib declared an official start of the operation to assist Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (formerly Jabhat al-Nusra, the Syrian branch of al-Qaeda) in its effort to counter the ongoing advance of government forces in the area of Abu al-Duhur.
    Faylaq al-Sham, Nour al-Din al-Zenki, Jaish al-Nasr, Jaish al-Nukhba, Ahrar al-Sham, the Turkistan Islamic Party, the Free Syrian Army’s 2nd Army were among the group that joined the battle on the side of Hayat Tahrir al-Sham. Furthermore, Faylaq al-Sham actively used Turkish-supplied military vehicle against government forces.
    The militants attacked positions of the Tiger Forces and the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) southwest of Abu al-Duhur and event entered a number of the government-held villages, including Astshan, Khuwaya, Sahal, Tell Maraq, Ard az ZurZur and Um Khalakhil. However, by the evening, the militants’ counter-attack had slowed down and they retreated from almost all captured positions.
    According to pro-militant sources, HTS and its allies killed over 20 SAA members and captured about 50 others as well as destroyed a BMP armoured vehicle and captured a battle tank belonging to the army.

    Maronite Patriarch Shores up President Aoun's Stance on Officers Decree- Kataeb.org

    Maronite Patriarch Bechara al-Rahi on Friday deemed the ongoing row over the officers' decree as "untimely" and "unnecessary", saying that this issue is being amplified in a way that harms the country.
    Following his meeting with President Michel Aoun at the Baabda Palace, Al-Rahi argued that the decree advancing the officers' seniority by one year does not require the signature of the finance minister given that it has nothing to do with the state's finances.
    “The officers’ seniority decree has nothing to do with the Ministry of Finance whereas it has to do with the Defense Minister and would sometimes require the signature of the Interior Minister. On the other hand, the promotion decree needs to be signed by the Minister of Finance," he elaborated. "This issue does not require any further explanation."

    Baath Party Holds Annual Conference in PYD-Controlled Afrin- The Syrian Observer

    Authorities in the Kurdish canton of Afrin have avoided intervening in Baath Party activities, Rojava News reports.

    The leadership of the Syrian Baath Party’s Afrin division last week held its annual conference for its labor sections without obtaining permission from the Democratic Union Party (PYD) authority.

    A source from the city of Afrin told Rojava News: “The leadership of the Afrin division of the Baath Party held its annual conference in the organization hall in the headquarters of the party in the city of Afrin, led by the division supervisor and the head of the economic workers’ bureau, Emad Eddin Hajj Daban, and attended by the head of the farmers’ bureau, Oria Hajj Ahmed, for its labor sections in the whole Afrin region.”

    The same source added that Baath Party activities have been reduced since the Syrian regime surrendered government buildings and security centers to the PYD, but that the meetings have continued and information is provided through the periodic reports of the Baath Party members to its leadership without intervention from the PYD in its affairs.

    Hariri Keen on Distancing Lebanon from Saudi-Iranian Rivalry, Hails Hizbullah for De-escalating Rhetoric- Naharnet

    Prime Minister Saad Hariri, in an interview with The Wall Street Journal, called for Lebanon to be distanced from the Iranian-Saudi conflict and hailed Hizbullah for de-escalating political rhetoric and propaganda against Saudi Arabia and other Gulf countries.
    “Media attacks on the Arab world, especially the Gulf, were extremely high, and today it’s extremely low, which is something positive,” Hariri told WSJ on Thursday referring to Hizbullah.
    Hariri highlighted Hizbullah's willingness to comply with the country's policy of “dissociation” from the Saudi-Iranian conflict.
    “Hizbullah has been a member of this government. This is an inclusive government that has all the big political parties, and that brings political stability to the country,” he said. “My main goal is to preserve this political stability for the unity of the country.”

    Thursday, January 11, 2018

    Hariri's Envoy Khoury Visits Geagea as Part of Efforts to Heal Rift- Naharnet

    Dispatched by Prime Minister Saad Hariri, Culture Minister Ghattas Khoury held talks Thursday in Maarab with Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea as part of ongoing efforts to heal the rift between al-Mustaqbal Movement and the LF.
    The meeting was held in the presence of Information Minister Melhem Riachi of the LF.
    “The visit is aimed at restoring the main channel of communication with Dr. Geagea after a period of interruption that followed the latest crisis in Lebanon,” Khoury said after the talks.
    “The visit is also aimed at eliminating all the remnants of the previous period in order to restore the previous status of the Mustaqbal-LF relation,” the minister added, noting that “all issues were discussed, including the government's work and the parliamentary elections.”

    ABD: Suriye'deki Rus üssüne yönelik herhangi bir İHA saldırısına dahlimiz olmadı- Sputnik News

    ABD Genelkurmay Başkanlığı Sözcüsü Korgeneral Kenneth F. McKenzie, Irak ve Suriye’de IŞİD ile mücadelenin tamamlanmasının ardından ABD öncülüğündeki koalisyonun dikkatini örgütün ortaya çıktığı başka yerlere çevireceğini söyledi. McKenzie, Suriye'deki Rus üslerine saldırıların arkasında ABD'nin olduğuna ilişkin iddiaları da reddetti.
    Korgeneral McKenzie, ABD Savunma Bakanlığı (Pentagon) Basın Sözcüsü Dana White ile ortak basın toplantısı düzenledi.

    Putin: Suriye'deki üslerimize saldırıların arkasındakileri biliyoruz, Türkiye'yle bağlantısı yok- Sputnik News

    Rusya Devlet Başkanı Vladimir Putin, Rusya'nın Suriye'deki Hmeymim ve Tartus üslerine saldırıların arkasında hangi ülkelerin olduğunu bildiklerini belirterek, "Bu Türkiye değil" dedi.

    Bugün Cumhurbaşkanı Recep Tayyip Erdoğan ile telefon görüşmesi gerçekleştirdiğini dile getiren Putin, "Rusya'nın Suriye'deki askeri üslerine saldırı girişimleriyle ne Türk askerlerinin ne de Türk yönetiminin hiçbir bağlantısı yok" dedi.

    First Seen Footage Of Syrian Army From Abu Adduhur Airbase Perimeter- Muraselon

    Aiming to defeat the terror group of Hayat Tahrir Al-Sham nation-wide, the Syrian forces keep marching on towards the strategic airbase of Abu Adduhur.

    Syrian soldier from the southern suburb of Abu Adduhur takes a selfie video, explaining the military situation at the battlefield, as the troops reaching the southern gates of the airbase.

    Rusya: Hmeymim ve Tartus'a İHA'larla saldıranlar yurtdışında eğitilmiş olmalı- Sputnik News

    Rusya Genelkurmay Başkanlığı, Suriye'deki Rus üsleri Hmeymim ve Tartus'a yönelik saldırı girişiminde kullanılan İnsansız Hava Araçları'nın (İHA) tek bir noktadan gönderildiğini ve saldırıyı düzenleyenlerin yurtdışında eğitim almış olmaları gerektiğini belirtti.
    Rusya Genelkurmay Başkanlığı İHA İdare, İmalat ve Geliştirme Departmanı Başkanı Tümgeneral Aleksandr Novikov, "Saldırı girişimleri sırasında ele geçirilen İHA'lar üzerinde yapılan analiz, İHA'ları geliştiren uzmanların yurtdışında, İHA üreten ülkelerde eğitim aldığını gösteriyor" dedi.